5 Dating Pitfalls Single Women Get In That Keep Them Single Forever

Elliot Scott
5 min readApr 20, 2024
Photo by Kyle Broad on Unsplash

Being single isn’t the worst thing in the world. Unless you’re not looking to be single. Then you feel like you’re the problem and something is wrong with you. Don’t worry, I can almost promise you that’s not the case.

However, as a dating coach for women, I can promise you that you’re playing the “dating game” (I cringed typing that as much as you do reading it, don’t worry) wrong.

I am a huge believer that women should value their time. I am all about efficiency. In this article, I will discuss the top five pitfalls I see my clients run into when dating.

1. You agree to be exclusive with a guy who isn’t your boyfriend.

You‘re playing right into his trap! He is no different than other men. He will take the opportunity if you allow him to have you all to himself and not commit. And yes, he’s still talking to other women. What guy would take himself off the market for a girl he hasn’t made his girlfriend…?

This concept in game theory is called the “prisoner’s dilemma.” In this dilemma, someone can gain an advantage over you based on your two choices, which is also completely avoidable.



Elliot Scott

#Dating #relationships #selfimprovment #psychology. Dating coach for women