A Halfling Sonder, Pg. 47

4 min readJun 18, 2024


AI Generated scene by E.V. on Leonardo.AI

Sven not wishing to take the wrath of this anger quickly holds out the bell. “Try this,” he manages to yell out to her.

Ms. Ally looks down at the silver bell. Hesitant on ringing it and adding more noise to the growing crowd. She picks it up and with a deep breath rings it out. Instantly the crowds roar dulls to that of a soft hum.

“Thank you.” She says with an exasperated sigh.

“Welcome,” He beams with a smile. “I also wanted to let you know, I tried to hit the largest nest in Mr. Glumb’s basement. I don’t know how well it worked though.”

“Oh!” She seems surprised. “Did you see a queen. Was there many of them?” Her curiosity peaked.

“I didn’t find the queen.” Sven looks down a bit ashamed to admit that he had not been as successful as wished he could have been. “I looked hard for her.”

“Well that is okay.” She says, just relieved that something had been attempted to quash the chaos. Handing Sven a purple vile, she tells him. “Go dump this on there too. It will help slow them down and maybe allow me enough time to get the supplies I need.”

Looking at the vile, he takes it in his hands and nods with the instructions. “Alright, We will have to give that bell back to Mr. Sparks soon. But, I think you should hold onto it for now. This isn’t going to get any better until we can clear all the beetles from the village.”

Giving her head a shake. “Yes, your right on that aspect.” She looks down at the bell. “I will return it once the rage has left my shop and I can have a moments peace.”

Sven leans over and gives Ms. Ally a reassuring hug before he turns to wiggle his way back through the crowd and out the door. Straightening him self up a bit from being jostled this way and that. Sven heads straight for the back corner of Mr. Glumb’s restaurant. Picking up the plank of wood he used the previous night. Sven begins to dig down the side of the foundation. Seeing many of the beetles still moving about. But a fair portion also dead from the poisoning the night before.

Uncorking the bottle Sven pours the liquid along the sides of the building. Trying his hardest to coat the entire wall in the iridescent purple liquid. As the potion begins to touch the beetles Sven is amazed to see the effect happen instantly. The once quick in and out of the tunnels seem to slow down. The beetles now seeming to just sit there watching him pour the liquid.

“Neat.” Sven utters to himself.

He continues to watch as some of the beetles even leave the tunnels and walk slowly up the wall. Unfazed it would seem, that he was near them. Putting the lid back onto the vile. Sven crawls out of the pit he has dug once again and begins to fill it in with the dirt. Then placing the plank against the wall once more.

Looking up at the evening stars Sven’s body gives a slight stretch as he lets out an exhausted yawn. His stomach growls for food as he realizes that he hasn’t had anything to eat since lunch. Turning for home Sven walks in the cooling night air with a bit of hope for what is to come. His hands sore as he clasps the door knob of home. Opening it to see the house completely in the dark. No sign of food or anyone really home. Unsure what his parents could be up too. Sven shrugs it off and heads for the kitchen. Pulling out the left overs and giving them a bit of flare. Heats them up into a nice warming stew. The aroma causing his stomach to growl even more. Gleefully he looks about the kitchen for some fresh bread to go with this tantalizing meal. He finds what he is looking for and cuts a few slices. Placing the bread in the bottom of his bowl he ladles his soup on to it before sitting down at the table.

Taking a moment to enjoy himself. He thinks back on the last few days and the events that have unfolded. Mostly enjoying the memories of chasing Willa and the playful way she has teased him. Smiling with both his memory and a full belly. Sven retires up stairs. Looking forward to the nights rest and starting fresh the next day. He sets all three of his alarms and lays down. Closing his eyes he drifts swiftly off to sleep.

PS. If you enjoy the story so far, Please feel free to help support the continuation. https://ko-fi.com/jabbershire




Sharing stories from the heart and soul. If you enjoy the story so far, Please feel free to help support me in the continuation. https://ko-fi.com/jabbershire