Support Us By Pledging on Patreon!

2 min readNov 4, 2016


In the constant goal to provide higher quality content, EloTalk has launched a Patreon page. Patreon allows supporters to pledge a monthly amount and get rewards based on what they pledge. I wanted to give you guys a little update on what we plan to accomplish with our Patron support, and the future of EloTalk.

Our first goal is to conquer our already-paid server and web costs for EloTalk. We’ve been closely monitoring our expenses, and could really use the help paying off what has supported us thus far.

After that, we’d like to focus on software costs, monthly expenses for server and web space, and paying our writers per article. This is ultimately our most important goal, as most of our staff has been with us for almost a year and spend upward of 30 hours a week writing, editing, researching, and helping with management processes for our team.

In the future, EloTalk aims to provide even higher quality written content, as well as reach out into other areas more fully such as video content and regularly-published podcasts. With our awesome staff of motivated individuals, the sky is our limit and we’re looking forward to working with our Patrons to be the best we’ve ever been!


Our Rewards

EloFan — $1 or more

EloSquad — $5 or more

EloCat — $10 or more

EloElite — $20 or more

EloSupreme — $50 or more

As always, thank you SO much to our amazing community members, readers, supporters, partners, and staff for your undying support and uplifting attitudes!

Originally published at EloTalk.




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