What Race Dominates the Neighborhood of Van Nuys?

Elvin Gonzalez
2 min readOct 3, 2023

Van Nuys, California, is a neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley that contains a majority of Hispanic residents and very few of different racial backgrounds. The Census reporter shows a chart that displays race and ethnicity and has Hispanic residents at 52%, White at 31%, Asian at 8%, Black at 5%, and people with mixed backgrounds at 2%. The Census shows that Van Nuys has foreign-born people from Latin America at 62% and the main reason is they want to have the opportunity to have a better life.

Stats and data provided by CensusRepoter.org

The main language that is spoken inside the household ages 5–17 is Spanish at 48%, the second most spoken language at home is English at 37%, Indo-European at 11%, Asian/Islander at 3%, and other languages at 1% according to the Census Reporter. The data provided makes a lot of sense because the first language that a child first learns is their native language which is their parents’ language that was used in their home country. English is second most spoken in households ages 5–17 because it is essential when attending school or looking for work. Spanish is also the most used by adults 18 and older at 44% and for the same reasons, it’s the only language they can communicate with their family 49% of people use English at home because it is the primary language spoken in the U.S.

From an economic standpoint, the Census Reporter shows that every working individual averages an income of almost $40000 and for median household income of $65000. A lot of people who live in the area probably make less than the average and the infographic of the census shows that 37% of people make less than $ 50,000. Some people don’t even get close to earning $50K because of other obligations like having to go to school or another task which leads them to apply for food stamps, section 8 housing, or any other government assistance.

Stats and data provided by CensusReporter.org

When graduating high school a lot of students will consider at least giving college a chance and others will be looking to get into the workforce. The data being shown by the Census reporter shows about 80% of people are high school graduates or higher and 34 % have a bachelor’s Degree or higher. The infographic shows 24% of people have at least attempted college and high school and bachelor’s degrees are tied in second at 22% each.



Elvin Gonzalez

Am A journalism student at CSUN in my spare time I like to watch movies and a little bit of gaming and sports talk. People can follow at 818sports on Instagram