Elysian Airdrop, Bounty, and Gleam Campaign Token Release Delayed for Account Verification Purposes

Team Elysian
3 min readAug 5, 2018


Due to the massive influx of fake accounts, scams, and cheaters, we have decided to undergo a thorough vetting process of each account involved in the Airdrop, Bounty, and Gleam campaigns. Unfortunately the cryptocurrency market is full of these types of people, and the public needs to be aware that this is a pressing issue. At Elysian, we stand for complete transparency in our project, and that is why we cannot allow irresponsible behavior and duplicate accounts to be rewarded.

We felt that it was necessary to implement a vetting process to go through each account to make sure that only legitimate entries are rewarded. This is in the best interest of both the project and the community to promote transparency and responsible behavior. For this reason, all tokens from the aforementioned campaigns will be released no later than the end of October. Releasing tokens prematurely to duplicate, illegitimate, or unverified accounts would be detrimental to the project as a whole.

These campaigns were beneficial in early community growth for Elysian, but in this industry when tokens are given out for free there are usually some repercussions that must be dealt with. In this case, the process is just taking a bit longer to ensure that everything goes smoothly when the tokens are distributed. We appreciate the patience from our community and the support for this decision. This is the most fair decision for the community members that participated in the campaigns in an honest manner. We do not support fraudulent activity at Elysian and we will do whatever it takes to prevent these occurrences. Thus, we are forced to push back the token distribution until this issue is solved. Once every illegitimate account is removed for each campaign mentioned above, the tokens will be distributed to participants.

These types of campaigns are important for projects in their initial stages to help generate early exposure. They will heavily increase social media engagement and popularity, which all early-stage projects need. We would recommend these campaigns to projects because the pros outweigh the cons significantly. Yes, there will inevitably be scammers, that is the nature of this industry. But, if dealt with properly, there will be no damage and the growth of the project through these campaigns makes the process valuable. We are currently dealing with these issues to protect our community.

We would like to thank our community for being an active part of these campaigns and we appreciate the support throughout them. We also appreciate your patience while we resolve this matter to guarantee full transparency and keeping our community free of fraudulent activity. It has been a very productive first few weeks following the completion of the Token Generation Event. We have made several announcements recently and there will be several more within the next two weeks. The project is gaining traction and starting to pick up strong connections in the industry for various departments and services, which sets us up for a healthy rest of 2018 and beyond.

About Elysian:









Team Elysian

Elysian will create a decentralized Ecommerce platform with innovative security and revolutionary user experience.