Team Elysian
8 min readJul 15, 2018

Elysian Releases New Crypto Listing Website

In coordination with the release of the new Elysian Forum this week, the project will also be unveiling a brand new Crypto listing website as part of the forum for upcoming blockchain projects to become a part of in order to not only build their popularity but also become integrated with the Elysian platform and ecosystem.

Having just completed our Token Generation Event (TGE) recently and raising our hard cap of 7,000,000 USD, Elysian understands all of the tasks and requirements involved not only to accomplish a successful crowdsale, but also building a strong community. The Elysian project has approximately 60,000 Telegram members, along with over 150 videos on YouTube, and very high reviews on every top blockchain listing website in the industry.

Why a Crypto Listing Website?

Given the current state of the market, these things are much more difficult to achieve now than back in December during the massive bull market, and we are aware of this and want to do our part to assist other upcoming blockchain projects in their quest for success. By doing this, we also acknowledge that we will contribute to a new, improved level of transparency and building credibility in the industry. This is ultimately what needs to happen for the blockchain industry to thrive, because there will be many projects that will not survive the oncoming storm in the coming months, and this will weed out the weak projects, which is exactly what the industry needs.

During the one year that we have been at Elysian, we have learned extremely valuable information about the industry and how it operates. One of the most important issues by far that we have noticed is the complete and utter lack of transparency, especially with ICOs, which is why we want to target this market to improve it. As most of you know, even though blockchain is still in its infancy, there are many outsiders that are skeptics because of negative publicity from projects such as Bitconnect, Centra, Titanium, and Munchee. We are all in this industry because we are huge advocates of the technology, but the cold truth is that there is an element of fabrication of the truth that is holding back its mass adoption. This is primarily evident in various aspects including, but not limited to:

  • Social Media
  • Project Landing Pages
  • Whitepapers
  • Fictitious Partnerships and Team Members

This is an issue that plagues the industry and we feel that it is our duty specifically to clean this up with an extensive due diligence process that requires copious amounts of verification in several areas, such as:

  • Proof of an MVP
  • Team Member Verification
  • Company Documents
  • Technical Details — to show that statistics are accurate
  • KYC for Crowdsale Participants

This just scratches the surface. We are avid blockchain enthusiasts and believe that the technology is revolutionary and will change the world, but first the industry needs to be cleaned up and credibility needs to be improved, and we, as a whole, owe this to our investors and supporters.

When analyzing why jurisdictions such as the SEC come behind shady projects and either shut them down or force transparency, it’s easy to see where the flaw is. The flaw is not in the strictness of the SEC, it is in the lack of transparency with blockchain projects by doing things such as faking partnerships with some of the largest companies in the world. The primary objective of the SEC is to protect its investors’ hard earned money by making sure that the projects that individuals invest in are credible and will use the funding to actually accomplish their roadmap milestones instead of running away with the money. It is important to understand this because many people in the blockchain space see jurisdictions such as the SEC as the enemy, when realistically they are just taking precautionary measures to clean up the fabrication in the industry and protect investors’ funds. Once these issues disappear, we will see a much healthier industry with only strong, transparent projects and from that point we will almost certainly see mass adoption.

So, one of the most important driving factors behind the creation of our new Crypto website, in coordination with the forum, is to get rid of all the fabricated nonsense and assist only the most credible upcoming blockchain projects in succeeding so that only the best projects will carry the industry forward into the future to ensure that it will flourish. There are almost 100 ICOs per day now, which is entirely too many, and we have to guarantee that only the strongest survive for the sake of the advancement of the market, otherwise it could very well go under. I like to think of it as blockchain Darwinism — survival of the fittest.

Elysian Crypto Listing Website

Aside from the first vital step of proper due diligence, our new website will have many features that will be useful for projects that pass our strict requirements for listing. The website is directly tied to the forum to also encourage community participation in terms of voting for credible projects that belong on the website, to incentivize active engagement and participation to promote a healthy community, not just for Elysian but also for projects that list on our new website. One of the most important aspects for this creation is enhanced community representation because we understand how vital this is for the success of a project in the blockchain space.

We will be able to integrate all of the projects on the website within our ecosystem to offer any merchant store hosted on our platform the option to offer a payment with that specific token. This will be lucrative to projects because it will give them the ability to become intertwined with a project that transcends the limits of the blockchain space to enter a massive Ecommerce market. The tokens for each project that lists on the website will acquire a very useful utility function of being able to transact for tangible goods and reach an extremely large merchant and consumer user base. This adds instant credibility to their project because it gives their token a fantastic use case.

As a connection to our growth pool, we will become a transparent open source project in the near future in which the community and the team will consistently work together to grow the ecosystem. The number of people will grow exponentially through this strategy. In coordination with the growth pool token allocation, users will be able to be rewarded in ELY for completing tasks such as:

  • Translating the platform to other languages
  • Creating meetups
  • Fixing bugs
  • Rating projects that are on the platform
  • Promoting the platform

A distinct difference that is important to note between our platform and the likes of ICObench and ICODrops, for example, is that you can get rewarded in ELY for the participation within the ICO platform. Websites such as the ones mentioned above do not reward the community for participation. This is a great benefit that helps our platform stand out from others.

Through the incorporation of many reputable projects into the website and ecosystem, we will bring together all of the communities from each project to create a larger, stronger ecosystem. By accomplishing this, we will have an impressive list of the biggest projects in the industry to give each one of them powerful real-world application, which appeals to both their team and community. As many of you are aware, Ecommerce is an incredibly large industry. The ability to bridge the gap between blockchain and Ecommerce in a manner that creates a utility for several tokens and combines separate communities into one gigantic ecosystem gives us the potential to create something that will transform the entire industry in the near future.

In addition to the aforementioned benefits, we are giving the Elysian token (ELY) and our membership program real use cases and application much earlier than we would with the release of our mobile wallet and platform, which are several months away in our roadmap, respectively. These are equally as important, and will be completed on time, but the implementation of our new website feature through the connection with the forum allows for practical use of ELY much sooner than originally planned.

In the future, our community, along with other communities that join our ecosystem, will have the chance to participate in token sales of projects that list on our website with special discounts, including the ability to participate in ICOs by using ELY. It is important to us that people have a legitimate reason to use ELY, and we have created the perfect solution to do so. Also, VIP members in our forum will have access to special areas of the platform and will be able to receive many other benefits. We advocate a tiered ranking system, in both our membership program and on our forum, because we believe that individuals that put forth the effort to become more involved than the average person in our community deserve to be compensated accordingly. Thus, community members with the highest rank will receive the most benefits.

As a follow up to the details above, it is important to reiterate that the token must have at least one useful function, if not many. That is why Elysian will also make it possible for projects that list on our Crypto website to pay with ELY. Our objective is to make ELY an incredibly versatile method of payment and transaction, with a multifaceted purpose to incentivize blockchain advocates to acquire ELY. By giving the token several functions, we can grow the popularity of not just the token, but also the entire project, and encourage adoption of the token in many aspects of retail Ecommerce and other industries that require quick, efficient, and cheap methods of payment for goods and services.

This will be one of the most important parts of our forum. Elysian believes that one of the most important keys to success in this industry is building a strong community. This is precisely why we created the forum and also this platform for other Cryptocurrencies. We wanted to give great projects the chance to work with Elysian and to understand how we operate and how we plan to transform the market into a credible, respectable industry. That is what our industry is missing. Our new platform is designed to create a paradigm shift away from the currently existing pre-determined apprehensive opinions held by skeptical outsiders.

Though it is only an initial step, it has to start somewhere. Our quest for industry-wide transparency is the key to a bright future. The ability for upcoming blockchain projects to receive assistance from a project that has already experienced what it takes to run a successful token sale and marketing campaign is very valuable in order for them to help secure their existence. It’s a dog-eat-dog industry right now with around 100 ICOs per day, and you absolutely have to stand out from your competition in order to succeed. While many ICOs are drowning in the tidal wave that is the detrimental bear market, it is our duty to guarantee that upcoming projects receive insightful guidance in order to flourish and survive to keep this wonderful industry that we love afloat.

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Team Elysian

Elysian will create a decentralized Ecommerce platform with innovative security and revolutionary user experience.