Guide: Purchase ELY using MyEtherWallet and MetaMask

Team Elysian
4 min readJun 4, 2018


Step One: Visit the MyEtherWallet website.

Step Two: Login or Create Account
If you already have an account, simply login and move to Step Four

If you require an account, then follow the on-screen instructions for creating a secure password and saving your keyfile/private keys.

Step Three: Acquire Ether

The purchase of ELY tokens requires Ether.
If you already have Ether, just transfer some to your MyEtherWallet address.

If you require Ether, you can purchase some on well known cryptocurrency exchanges. Some examples include Coinbase, Gemini or Kraken.

IMPORTANT: Do not attempt to purchase ELY using a wallet address on a cryptocurrency exchange. To purchase ELY you must use a wallet that allows you to interact with ERC20 token contracts.

Step Four: Setting up the purchase through your Elysian dashboard

  1. Open your Elysian
  2. Select the US Dollar amount that you would like to invest.

3. Make sure you copy the correct address and Additional Data fields for Step Five.

Step Five: Sending Ether to the smart contract

For MyEtherWallet:

Click Send Ether & Tokens. You may be prompted to login using your passwords or saved data.

Now, copy the correct Contract Address from your Elycoin dashboard. We recommend double checking that this address is correct before completing this transfer, as sending Ether to the wrong address will result in loss of funds.

Input the contract address, the correct amount of ETH to be sent (also shown in your Elysian dashboard), and set the GAS LIMIT to 300000 (three-hundred thousand). Lastly, click on Advanced: Add Data and copy the Additional Data shown in your Elysian dashboard. Without this information, the transaction will fail.

Then click Generate Transaction. Followed by Send Transaction.

You will see a final confirmation box. Use this chance to once again check that the address is correct, then click Yes, I am sure! Make transaction.

For MetaMask:

Launch the MetaMask extension in your browser.

Input the contract address, the correct amount of ETH to be sent (also shown in your Elysian dashboard), and click on Transactional Data (Optional) and copy the Additional Data shown in your Elysian dashboard. Without this information, the transaction will fail.

Now click Send and confirm your transaction.

Congratulations, you have now purchased ELY!

Your ELY will be available to use upon completion of the TGE.

If the minimum cap is not reached, you will be refunded.

Step Seven: View your ELY

From the View Wallet Info page, select the option Add Custom Token.

Paste in the following:
Token contract address: 0xa95592dcffa3c080b4b40e459c5f5692f67db7f8
Token Symbol: ELY
Decimals: 18

Then click “Save”. You can now view how much ELY you own.

If you have any further questions about how to purchase ELY, please join us on Telegram or email us at We’d be happy to help!

Official Website:
Whitelist for the Token Sale:




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