[Day 0] Zero to MVP in 30 Days — What it’s all about

Emil Bruckner
2 min readNov 23, 2017

I’ve decided to do my next (yet another) thing.

About a week ago I had an idea for a project. I still think that the idea has some potential, so I’ll do some validation now.

The first official document of this project

Why this log here on Medium?

A guy called Matthew Odette lately started a series called “Zero to MVP in 30 Days”, and I’ll simply copy him, because I really like the concept.
Writing about my progress on a daily basis probably gives you the greatest insight possible and is probably quicker than writing 10 large articles. I allocate very limited time to this.

Day 0 is here to layout some rules for this log. Check out Matthew’s Day 0 to see what I changed.

  1. I’ll stay super lean at 20 hours / week
  2. If I don’t hit my targets, I’ll end this thing.
  3. 1 log / day + maybe some extra articles

My “targets”

People should say that this is a good idea more often then the opposite in the first 2 weeks.

30 people I can contact on launch / 30 emails after 15 days

Day 30: 30 people in a free trial — no credit card required (I won’t build a payment system until then, it will be an MVP after all).

