She is Like the Weather

Neeraj Chavan
1 min readFeb 14, 2020

She is like the weather
So unpredictable, yet so necessarily beautiful
Some days it never rains, but it pours.
Giving a new lease of life, to those tender creepers,
crawling across the wooden floors

Some days she shines bright like the sun,
spreading her warmth
Drawing that wonderful rainbow,
just to let you know
that day has finally been won

Some days, she's cold, like freshly fallen snow
All you can do is snuggle & wait,
For soon chill winds will blow
And as the thicket of ice melts,
gentle love will flow

Some days it’s overcast and bleak
Like the backdrop of a Murakami novel
You grab that cup of chocolate coffee and forget all your worries
And bask in the melanholic nostalgia of blissful memories

Some days, she’s all foggy and you can’t see a thing
But rest assured,
She’s like the Sirius star,
So close, but yet so far.

Every day is an new day with her
All you need to do is
just pour your entire love and stir!

And maybe sometimes her thoughts may be blurred,
But don’t you lose hope.

Just keep loving
Because deep down,
her heart’s a magnificent bluebird!



Neeraj Chavan

Just another bird trying to swim. Literature. Music. Mathematics, Science and Art. I live to create beautiful stories.