The Rise of Populism: Understanding its Impact on Global Politics

3 min readAug 11, 2023

In recent years, the political landscape around the world has witnessed a seismic shift. The rise of populism, a phenomenon characterized by its appeal to the concerns of ordinary people, has disrupted traditional political paradigms and challenged established institutions. This article delves into the complexities of the rise of populism and its far-reaching implications on global politics.

Defining Populism: Unpacking the Phenomenon

Populism is a term frequently used, yet often misunderstood. At its core, populism is a political approach that capitalizes on the grievances and fears of the general population. It portrays the ‘people’ as being pitted against a corrupt or self-serving elite, often presenting itself as the sole representative of the true interests of the populace.

The Catalysts of Populism’s Surge

Understanding why populism has gained such momentum is crucial. Several factors have contributed to its rise. Economic inequality, the erosion of traditional industries, and technological advancements have left many feeling disenfranchised and left behind. Populist leaders tap into these insecurities, promising radical change and quick solutions.

The Impact on Political…

