The Monster Of The Andes

A man with a minimum of 110 body count acquired through rape.

Emmanuella A.
5 min readDec 18, 2020

There is a wonderful moment, a divine moment when I have my hands around a young girl’s throat- Pedro Alonso Lopez

The world is yet to prove that people can be born evil, although through history we’ve experienced people who might have been although it has been proven that people can grow to become monsters. Monsters are most times created by the environment they develop in, the uglier the environment the more terrifying the monster.

This is the biography of a man referred to as the monster of the Andes, a monster created by his environment.

Early Life

Pedro Lopez was born on October 8th, 1948 in Santa Isabel, Colombia. He was born to Medardo Ryes and Belinda Ryes. His father was killed six months before his birth in a grocery store which had been attacked by a rebellious mob, this attack occurred at the beginning of the civil war in Colombia which is known as “La Violencia”. Maybe if his father had been alive Pedro would have grown up differently.

Pedro was the seventh child among thirteen siblings and according to his mother, he was a polite boy who had the ambition to become a teacher.

How did a child with a dream to become…

