The Unbreakable Window: A Fatal Lesson in Overconfidence

2 min readFeb 25, 2024

In 1993, Toronto lawyer Garry Hoy’s belief in the unbreakable nature of his office windows led to a tragic and unforgettable demonstration.

Garry Hoy was renowned for his confidence and eccentricity, often showcasing the strength of the windows in his 24th-floor office to visiting guests. On one fateful day, a group of prospective law students gathered as Hoy prepared to demonstrate the resilience of his office windows once again.

With unwavering conviction, Hoy threw himself against the window, as he had done countless times before. To the amazement of onlookers, the glass remained intact, reinforcing Hoy’s belief in its invincibility. However, Hoy’s confidence led him to attempt the demonstration a second time, pushing the boundaries of logic and safety.

Tragically, on the second attempt, fate intervened. The force of Hoy’s impact proved too much for the window to bear, and it dislodged from its frame, sending Hoy plummeting 24 floors to his untimely demise.

The shocking turn of events left witnesses in disbelief, as they grappled with the harsh reality of Hoy’s fatal miscalculation. What began as a demonstration of confidence ended in a sobering reminder of the dangers of unchecked overconfidence.

Garry Hoy’s story serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us all of the importance of humility and prudence in the face of perceived invincibility. In the end, even the strongest convictions can shatter in the face of unforeseen circumstances.




Medium Blog writer/Write stories on writing tactics, writing tools,creator, and entrepreneur. I also write about personal development, books and life.