The Chaos of Global Financial Change and how Blockchain Will Help

Emogi Coin
3 min readJan 10, 2020


Another day, another $35 billion injected into the U.S. financial system to stem risks associated with the Repo market.

It’s only a matter of time before more and more governments around the world start addressing this issue in public rather than private. The issue being that the country that currently controls the world’s reserve currency can just print it up at their desire while others need to trade if for real, hard assets.

What was once billed as a temporary stop-gap measure that would only be needed for a few weeks has morphed into a money-sucking hole that looks as though it will continue to need more and more money just to stay at the even, non-crisis level.

Despite all the geopolitical noise currently keeping everyone’s attention, from hysteria about the onset of WWIII to the end of the world in 12 years due to global warming, this underlying debt binge that the US and most major countries in the world are feasting on is really driving the global uncertainty and recent market moves.

What is really happening is the setting of the stage for blockchain and cryptocurrency to transform the world. China has seen the writing on the wall and has jumped out ahead of all other major competitors in welcoming blockchain into the fold.

The old petrol-dollar system is dying and bringing chaos in the middle east with it. Regardless of the actual facts on the ground, headlines dominated by Green Energy proposals and the dire need for change will have an effect on the population at large and demands for change will arise.

New energy systems and a more competitive energy grid are bound to arise and the internet of things that connects all our devices will only get more powerful.

In such a digital and electrical world, money based on paper and rocks no longer makes sense. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are the means of exchange of the future just waiting for the rest of us to catch up.

The turmoil that exists in our world is likely to increase as we head into this global change. Transitions to new systems have always been a challenge as humans inherently resist change, no matter how beneficial, for a period of time until survival necessitates it. What we are seeing now around the globe are symptoms of this transition.

Once through the transition, the early adopters of blockchain technology will have a head start in the new, blockchain-based global system that connects all corners of our planet like never before in human history. Are you ready for the revolution?

