Niche Tech Trends You Should be Invested in

2 min readMar 6, 2019


1. ARM Processors

Originally developed at an educational computer company in Cambridge, Sophie Wilson designed the first instruction set for an Acorn RISC Machine. She later received a lifetime award for her work. The architecture went on to be a part of most smart phones and small devices. More recently it has taken over the laptop and tablet industry due to its efficient processing power. Many have speculated that it is set to take over the desktop industry too. One way to get investment exposure is indirectly through Softbank. Their CEO Masayoshi Son, went out of his way to swiftly purchase a company with the rights to the hardware. More recently, ARM processors have proven to be more reliable for encryption and security than AMD’s and Intel’s CISC architecture. Alternately you can invest in Qualcomm which also designs ARM chips.

2. Smart Contracts

Companies such as Docusign have already helped you sign off on your mortgage and rental agreements, but they won’t stop there. Not only are notaries becoming a thing of the past. Companies are looking for more and more ways to cut out the lawyers and back office paper-shufflers. At last, the growth of the API economy completed the final piece of the puzzle to make smart contracts useful. Developers can now take in useful data from trusted parties for automated execution of contracts. For example, a company running a service in the cloud could have an insurance smart contract that pings a server to make sure there is 99% up time. In the event that the server goes down, the payment is automatically disbursed. A plethora of derivative financial instruments using the Yahoo Finance API and even sports betting with the Stats API will be created. Of course, there is always the risk of some bug or exploit in the contracts, which is why robust frameworks are being thought of and built.

Besides investing in Docusign, has been a leading developer of this infrastructure. They intend to use their open source software and a “Chainlink” staking token to provide a secure smart contract protocol for all to build on top of.

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