On Kowtow II

Fade to Black

K. M. Schenk
4 min readJan 7, 2018

The caravan jostled down the road at a steady pace, and Ioseph was rocked back and forth at a steady, even pace. The roads in this part of the Nuffarid Sultanate were quite stable and well taken care of, mainly due to the fact that it was the silk road. Many caravans passed, many traders and merchants took a trip Eastwards and then came back. So, it really was no surprise to Ioseph that the roads were quite smoothed out for the tracks of carriages. Suddenly, there was shouting outside. Ioseph leaned out but he could not make out anything. A few horse riders stormed past Ioseph’s carriage to hurry and see what the commotion was. The carriage of Ioseph came to a halt and Ioseph waited, as he looked out and awaited a guard to inform him of what was going on, or someone else. He began to get a little nervous. What if this was an attack? He had heard of highway robbers, and what better person to rob or possibly kidnap, than the Basileus of the Byzantine Empire? They could get a lot of gold for his head, and his head alone. Ioseph sat up, uneasily, and waited for news. The shouting died down and there was chatter ahead and behind the carriage as far as Ioseph could tell. Impatient, Ioseph shouted out of his carriage to no one specifically “Do tell, what is going on outside? Has something gone wrong?”

One of the guards on the carriage jumped off the carriage and spoke to Ioseph: “Beloved Basileus, it seems that another merchant caravan is blocking the way, we are arranging for them to move without making too much attention. We would not want everyone to know of your presence.” Ioseph nodded and smiled “Do me a favour, yes? Go to the front and listen, on my orders. Then come back and tell me everything, it is quite boring in the carriage.”

The guard smiled and nodded back, and left to the front. Another guard jumped down and went to the window of the carriage. “Benevolent Basileus, would you like some apples? I see a tree on the other side and they seem very appealing.” Ioseph nodded and followed up with “Actually, I will join you. A bit of a walk and fresh air will do me well.”

The second guard opened the door for Ioseph and Ioseph thanked him and they walked side by side towards the apple tree. Ioseph looked around saw as the traders manoeuvred around and a stubborn horse seemed not to want to move. A courtier by the name of Adalbert came running up to Ioseph, and out of breath bowed “My liege, forgive me and the drivers but we are delayed, but I have ordered that the merchants who came upon us-” Ioseph raised his hand. “Calm yourself Adalbert. We will arrive there in due time. We are not in a rush and I quite enjoy this anonymity.” Adalbert was wide-eyed and nodded “Y-y-yes my…Basileus, of course… So, I will just see to that… it is all. Fine, yes.” Adalbert scratched the back of his head and Ioseph answered “Come with me, Adalbert, let’s have some apples.”

Ioseph pointed to the tree that bore fine bright, and red apples. Adalbert smiled and nodded “O-of course my liege! It would be an honour.” So, the three of them walked to the tree. It was a lone apple tree, further on there was a meadow that lead to vast fields of green into rolling hills. Far off into the distance Ioseph could make out some mountain peaks. The sky was void of clouds, and only streaks of clouds were strewn about the sky like strands of cotton pulled out with two hands. Ioseph smiled to himself.

On their way to the tree, which was a few tens of meters away from the road, Ioseph began to feel dizzy. A large and brawny man, Ioseph seldom felt dizzy save for sparring excessively in the courtyard or when running too quickly, but he had taken a normal speed. He did not rush to the tree, and he stumbled into the guard. The guard managed to catch him and held him, and Ioseph latched onto him. “Basileus? Are you well?” The guard asked and Adalbert rushed to Ioseph’s side. “Oh dear, are you alright? Shall I get you something?”

Ioseph shook his head, he was strong and young, a man of thirty years. “No, no I am fine.” Ioseph got back up to his feet and shook his head. Nothing wrong, absolutely nothing wrong. He nodded and took a step, then everything went black.

Did you like this story? Part II, here

