A Letter from our Executive Director

End Rape On Campus
3 min readSep 1, 2023

Dear EROC Community,

Today, I’m reaching out to share a significant shift for EROC that holds the promise of a more impactful and sustainable future. As the Executive Director, I am excited to share how this transition represents an exciting opportunity to shape a new pathway forward, one that is rooted in our mission and vision and continues to uplift, support, and advocate with even greater resilience.

After careful consideration, Civic Nation has made the decision to transition EROC out of its umbrella as a result of restructuring and refocusing the organization’s work in this current challenging fundraising environment. This shift is not a sign of fading dedication, but rather an acknowledgement that our work is evolving. EROC and Civic Nation are working together to ensure we are on a more viable and sustainable foundation for the next decade of change.

Since our founding ten years ago, we have equipped more than 100,000 students, parents, and advocates with tools and practices to navigate campus policy processes and hold their institutions accountable; assisted in filing over 100 federal complaints; and testified and helped craft legislation across the state and federal levels. Just in the past few years, we have accomplished so much together as a collective of survivors, students, parents, and advocates:

  • Centering the Margins: EROC’s Centering the Margins framework focuses on and centers historically underserved and marginalized survivors, ensuring that our initiatives, actions, and advocacy are rooted in inclusivity and empowerment for all students.
  • Campus Accountability Map and Tool (CAMT): Since its launch in January 2023, the CAMT is a first-of-it-kind tool that has empowered students to make informed choices about their educational journey with information on over 1,700 colleges and universities’ sexual assault policies, prevention efforts, survivor support, and crucial statistics.
  • Student Survivor Caucus (SSC): Through a powerful network of collegiate student survivors, SSC representatives develop vital organizing skills and lead advocacy efforts focused on three pillars — Survivorship and Wellness, Sexual Assault Awareness and Education, and Social and Political Activism — such as the EROC Wellness Journal.
  • Speaker Series: EROC’s Speaker Series brings dynamic speakers, activists, and educators to campuses across the country to educate, train, and catalyze critical conversations that drive change on campus sexual assault, survivor healing, and wellness.

With passion, determination, and a deep understanding of the critical work that lies ahead, I’m fully committed to harnessing this moment as an opportunity for growth and progress. As we embark on this transition, it is important to note that our programs will take a brief pause. This pause is not a halt but a necessary interlude as we deliberate and chart the best course forward.

EROC’s strength lies in our legacy. We were founded by survivors for survivors, students, parents, advocates, and honors who came together in solidarity for justice and equity. It is from this collective power that we will carve out a new chapter for EROC together.

As we navigate this next phase, I am grateful for your support and dedication to EROC. With anticipation and determination, let’s embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Together, we will not only weather this transition but emerge stronger, more empowered, and more aligned with our mission than ever before.

With gratitude and purpose,

Kenyora Parham, MSW
Executive Director
End Rape On Campus



End Rape On Campus

We work towards a world free from sexual violence. We believe you. It’s not your fault. You are not alone. ❤️ Reach out: media@endrapeoncampus.org