Hear hear! Holacracy experts discussing self-organization

1 min readOct 20, 2017


Over 70 people visited the Springest headquarters for pizza and to participate in the panel discussion during the Holacracy Meetup that took place on October 18th 2017.

We did it ping pong style so everybody in the audience who wanted to, could ask a question. Our panelists were very happy to share their perspectives on self-organization and Holacracy.

Our Panelists:
— Jeroen Persoons (Springesteer)

— Diederick Janse (the co-founder of Energized.org, experienced coach in self-organization)

– Tom Thomison (the co-founder of HolacracyOne & encode.org)

Facilitated by Gabriela Krupa

We created an audio file so you can jump back in time and listen to the whole panel discussion (50 min):

Questions? Just drop a line hello@energized.org

Originally published at energized.org on October 20, 2017.




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