Energo Wins United Nations’ Asia-Pacific Low Carbon Lifestyles Challenge Grant

Energo Labs
2 min readApr 3, 2018


Energo Labs will receive a $10,000 grant as a winner of the United Nations Environment Programme’s prestigious Asia-Pacific Low Carbon Lifestyles Challenge. Energo is one of 12 winners from over 180 candidates, selected for superior environmental performance, measurability of results, and business potential.

The competition aimed to promote international business ideas that foster energy-efficient, low-waste, or low-carbon lifestyles. Winners are expected to roll out their projects within the coming year, with quantifiable project results to be reported by November 2018.

Energo’s proposed solution bridges the gap between mobility and energy by creating a blockchain-based shared electric vehicle (EV) charging economy in Asia Pacific, thus encouraging the use of renewable energy for EVs.

Energo’s blockchain platform will facilitate machine-to-machine energy trading, enabling solar PV panel owners to share their excess electricity with EVs nearby while gaining an additional source of income. Smart contracts will handle automatic transaction settlements, control price volatility based on market supply and demand, track the value flow of energy, and tokenize energy transactions.

The challenge was funded by the Ministry of Environment Japan, as part of SWITCH-Asia’s Regional Sustainable Consumption and Production Policy Advocacy Component, the Asia-Pacific Regional Roadmap on Sustainable Consumption and Production, and the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production. The initiative is being carried out together with the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, the Thai National Science and Technology Development Agency, and the Sasin Entrepreneurship Center. Visit the Asia Pacific Low Carbon Lifestyle Challenge website and 4 Billion Dreams to learn more about the challenge and read about lifestyle stories.

Energo Labs is honored to be included in this global initiative — we are dedicated to creating a long-lasting and scalable impact in the Asia-Pacific region.

For more information on Energo Labs and to stay updated with how this project develops, join our Telegram account or follow our official Facebook and Twitter accounts.



Energo Labs

We are at the forefront of the energy revolution, promoting a decentralized and autonomous ecosystem using blockchain technology.