The most successful ICOs of 2017

Energy Premier
Game of Life
Published in
4 min readFeb 13, 2018

2017 was a very successful and productive year for the new method of raising funds for cryptocurrency, known as Initial Coin Offering (ICO). ICO has become a great discovery for many investors in 2017. It was a year of many innovations and changes, and 2017 has been a very good year for the cryptocurrency market.

We have seen many cryptocurrency projects that have raised a lot of money in 2017. Many cryptocurrencies have seen the success of Bitcoin and Ethereum and they ventured into being the next big and successful project in the market. Read below and find out what ICO projects were the most successful throughout 2017.

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Filecoin — $257M

Filecoin is a blockchain-based decentralized data storage network. It is a project that allows the Blockchain participants to provide their servers and share their storage. If you let someone to store their data on your server or your computer, you get Filecoins and receive a reward. This project raised $257M — split into a $52M presale and $205.8M in the second round — from August 10 to September 10. The creators of this project did not sell the tokens by themselves, but agreements on future tokens whose owners were guaranteed to receive tokens in the future. During the first hour of the ICO, $135M was raised. The funds were raised in dollars, Bitcoin, Ethereum and Zcash.

Tezos — $232M

Tezos is a Blockchain platform of smart contracts. The Tezos project was operating on a new blockhain, and it possesses the capability to update its code which enables it to be adaptive to any innovations in the future. The project raised $232M in July. Despite this, their status as the biggest ICO didn’t last for long. The platform started with a record ICO, but ended with lawsuits and disagreements. There were many disagreements within the team that caused collective lawsuit with charges of fraud and demand to return the funds.

EOS — $700M

EOS is an infrastructure for decentralized applications to be built and tested in a public environment. The project will allow people to make numerous transactions per second, thus making the Blockchain projects more effective. It is confirmed that this project raised $700M for the ICO. Their crowdsale is still going on and the token sale continues until the middle of 2018. There is a lot of interest in their concept and it is already a successful ICO. Their ICO ran on the Ethereum blockchain but it was named as a competitor of the Ethereum.

Bancor — $153M

The Bancor project was inspired by the vision of John Maynard Keynes of one world currency. It is a project whose ICO was sold out very quickly. The network allows users to create liquid smart tokens that calculate their own price and enable their conversion into other tokens. For example, if you want you can purchase a Bancor token that is 50% Bitcoin and 50% Ethereum. The project raised $153M and it will be interesting to see for how the money will be spent.

Status — $108M

Status is a mobile Ethereum OS launched to turn your smartphone or mobile device into a light node on the Ethereum network. There, users can buy, sell, send, receive, or store Ether directly from smartphones in an easy way. Users can also send smart contract to friends or coworkers vie the mobile app. Despite some technical problems that the project had, Status raised $108M in 2017.

Sirin Labs — $157.8M

Sirin Labs is a project of secure smartphone on the Blockchain platform. The people in the project have developed devices that are cyber-protected and blockchain-enabled, and they give users safe and reliable access to the blockchain. The idea of this project was to create a secure smartphone and the Blockchain came in the perfect time. The project raised $121M in the first five days of the ICO due to their successful marketing company.

MobileGo — $53M

MobileGo is the first project that has connected cryptocyrrency and mobile gaming together. The focus of the MobileGo team is to provide a platform for gamers to download games and compete with each other. The MobileGo tokens were issued on the Ethereum blockchain and used to gamify the mobile platform and to reward participants for loyalty. The team succeeded in raising $53M funds in the ICO.

As we can see, ICO has had a huge success in 2017. We believe that this will continue and will grow up even more in 2018. This area has become very popular and many people want to invest and participate in such projects.

Thank you for reading.

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