What’s the expansion potential for the world’s electricity trading token model?

Energy Premier
Energy Premier Blog
4 min readMar 2, 2018

The Energy Premier Token (EPC) is structured to enable faster and cheaper electricity trading through the Energy Premier platform. The goal of EPC token is to become the world-leading token for electricity trading with affordable, low-cost and easy processes on the energy market.

Besides trading, this token contains smart contracts, smart-meter integration and payment, smart grid electricity trading, and capacity management. It is expected for the electricity market to grow in the future and to be around 200B MWh. That’s why we are emitting 200B EPC tokens because we want to have as much tokens as the world electricity market.

For that reason, the EPC token has great expansion opportunities:

Expansion to other countries

  • Current planned launch-markets for Energy Premier in first phase include: Germany, France, Scandinavia, Slovenia. The market diversification has been made for the various degrees of liberalization of the electricity market and for the planned investment in renewable sources.
  • Energy Premier/ EPC can be expanded to other markets without affecting the current business model.
  • Energy Premier is highly geographically scalable: there is no need for high capital investments, no need for large numbers of employees and the high-quality software has been built to allow fast scaling.
  • The majority of expansion investment would be devoted to customer/ supplier acquisition and communication.

Expansion to the energy production sector

  • Currently, Energy Premier and EPC token are set up to support retail energy trading into B2B and B2C.
  • However, the software has a potential to support wholesale trading as well, and selling of energy from energy producers — thus opening a huge market.
  • The majority of expansion investment would go to customer relations, marketing and onboarding.

Expansion to additional energy types

  • Today, Energy Premier supports electricity trading.
  • However, same software and token/ EPC business model have potential to support trade of other energy types, including TNG, LPG, etc.
  • Expansion investment would be mainly devoted to enhancements to software platform and customer acquisition.

Expansion to crypto-lenders giving electricity credit

  • As a complimentary player to energy sector, crypto-lenders could sell credit loans to consumers for electricity bills and to suppliers for purchasing of electricity.
  • Energy Premier team has already tested this idea with crypto-lenders and several banks, all of which expressed high interest in this expansion as it does not require change of their business model or financial products.
  • The expansion would not require high investment, but could boost the trading on the platform as it would connect financing to supply.
  • This would open a revenue stream by charging crypto-lenders a participation fee on the platform.

Expansion into other software & up-sell

  • The energy sector has significant software demand and has yet to go a long way to full digitization and tokenization — creating space for further types of software.
  • Developing a know-how and core software/ energy-token expertise for the energy sector would prove unmatchable for other (generic) software players, and would create a strong and stable revenue stream.

Expansion to offer e-commerce through monthly bills

  • Energy Premier could be further enhanced to offer e-commerce for various energy related and non-related products — including anything from electronic devices, to telecom or banking services.
  • Customers could then purchase the products through their monthly bills.
  • This expansion would require a software investment, and would lead to both higher customer retention as well as easier customer acquisition through a new acquisition channel.

As you can see, the EPC token is at the right track. It is expected for the EPC token to become a most influential token for electricity trading. We expect that the token value will grow as well. The global energy market is huge, and our token has potential to grow rapidly, especially when the crowdsale ends. We already have some contracts that will reflect the whole market.

Thank you for reading.

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