How to Go to Sleep Fast? 5 Natural Sleep Aids Tips

4 min readMay 23, 2017


Do you often feel hurt by a train when you wake up? In this article, I share my 5 most successful sleep solutions. They help you to sleep like a whole bunch of roses, because sleeping like one rose is simply not impressive enough. Here the 5 easy and best ways to fall asleep:

#1. Give your sleep priority

Yes, sleep seems useless. But ’it’s absolutely not.

Good sleep is an important foundation for a healthy, relaxed and happy life. When you sleep, all kinds of recovery processes are started up in your body, from your brain to your skin, from digestion to your cornea.

Sleep helps you press the reset button. You’ll start over again. And that often fixes many problems, just like your computer. Do not push your sleep in a corner. It is important. If you do not sleep well, it’s time to pay attention to a long, healthy and fun life.

#2. Provide sufficient daylight

Yes, daylight improves your sleep. No, not at night. But if you get plenty of daylight during daytime, you will sleep better at night.

Why? It has to do with your internal clock. By exposing yourself to daylight, especially in the morning, your body has time to wake up. During the day, go out for a minimum of ten minutes to keep this clock running with your natural rhythm.

I use a cool daylight lamp during my morning routine. The blue light tells my body that it’s time to wake up. This way I become alert and getting up early becomes a lot easier.

#3. Restrict caffeine

Caffeine is active in your body for up to six hours. Many people think that coffee (or a lack of it) has no effect on their bodies, but it does.

Just stop drinking caffeine and see what happens. It is likely that you will suffer from cracking headaches, concentration problems and high fatigue.

Do you want to make sure your coffee consumption does not spark your night’s sleep? Do not drink coffee after 3.00 pm. And note: decaf and tea leaves also contain caffeine. This also applies to soda and energy drinks, which you want to delete from your diet.

Herbal tea does not contain caffeine. But do not drink it in the evening; otherwise, you’ll have to pee at night. Duh.

#4. Sleep in the right climate

I have read that 16 degrees is the ideal temperature for a good night’s sleep. Nice, but never set it on the airco in your hotel room, because it’ll feel like you are camping on the Kilimanjaro in a tent without sleeping bag.

However, the climate in your room is important for your night’s rest. A few tips:

  • Provide fresh air. I always leave a window a little bit open unless it really freezing.
  • Keep your room clean. Many people are sensitive or allergic to dust mites.
  • Make sure that no air is flowing over your head. A slight airflow in the room is nice, but protect your face to prevent eye and respiratory complaints.
  • Sleep as much as possible without artificial heat or cooling. Stoves and air conditioners usually affect the air quality negatively. Put them on the lowest setting that makes your room comfortable, only when it’s really needed. Grab a thick blanket or a simple fan.

Consider intervening in air quality when needed. Think of an air cleaner if you have a lot of dust. Or use a dehumidifier or humidifier when the air is dry or too humid.

A clean, cool room with good circulation without a ride on your face — that’s a recipe for a wonderful night.

#5. Go to bed on time

The popular wisdom says that every hour counts twice before 0:00. I usually don’t agree with popular wisdom, but there is truth to this.

Why? Because going to bed early is natural. When it’s getting dark, your body starts with the production of melatonin, a hormone that makes us sleepy. It is therefore logical to go to bed as soon as you get tired. And without screens and lights, it’s not long after sunset.

By going to bed on time, you work with this natural rhythm, and you probably feel fitter. Are you afraid that you’ll wake up when you suddenly go to bed at ten o’clock? Then adjust your sleep rhythm, and you’ll get used to it fast enough.

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