How to Start your Day with Right Track?

3 min readAug 25, 2017


Early in my career, one of my mentors told me, “How you start your day affects how the rest of your day will go.” I’ve learned a lot of lessons over the years that have proven true, but this may be the most solid one. After working with different CEO’s I have noticed that nearly all of them share a few key steps to start the day off right.

For those of us who aren’t morning people, there are ways to start your day off right that doesn’t even involves moving out of bed. Try incorporating one of these seven habits into your morning routine for a happier and more productive day, all without having to leave the comfort of your cozy blankets. Every morning brings new hopes, new opportunities and better ways to make your life better. Just remember these 6 simple things for the next morning when you wake up & you will find an aura of positivity around:

  1. Just as you open your eyes, get up, rub your magical palms together & touch them slightly to your eyes. It helps take an energetic start of the day.

2. Be thankful to God for gifting you with brand new 24 hours to excel. Taking birth as a human being itself is a present by the almighty & thus, you should never forget to express gratitude every morning.

3. Stay hydrated because drinking enough water protects you from many disorders and diseases. This is the simplest key to a healthy body, mind & soul.

4. Never skip breakfast. Eat healthy to live healthy, healthy mind requires healthy body, Include whole food, nuts & juices in your first meal of the day as it renders optimum energy to perform your daily tasks.

5. Inculcate exercise in your daily routine. Exercising makes you active & enthusiastic while reducing the chances of falling ill. Many health issues are often the result of inactive schedules. It has been proved that physical activities escalate your chances of living more and have a refreshed mind.

6. Just jot down your priorities for the day and start fulfilling them with full swing. Maintaining a regular work schedule will systematize your day & eliminate disintegrated work schedule. You can sleep without any regrets!

What you do in the morning can affect the rest of your day, so why to start your day off by waking up on the wrong side of the bed? Creating good morning habits doesn’t necessarily mean you have to wake up at 6 a.m. to go to spin class or do yoga before work; there are small things you can do that takes just few minutes, but can improve your mood, your performance, and your overall efficiency with your day.

These small steps can make a huge difference in your lives. Follow at least once, integrate this one time into a routine & you are all set to win!

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