Trust, Credibility, and Rapport

How to standout when spammy sales outreach is on the rise

Enterprise Sales
4 min readApr 2, 2020

Last week I mentioned that the game in sales has radically changed. Up until a month ago, the tactics you were using probably worked fine, your pipeline was intact, and you were sharpening your quarterly forecast. Now in this last day of the quarter, your plans have been blown up.

The game has changed, and the way the game is played has to be changed.
- Satoru Iwata

I have been on calls the past few days with members of our community (you are welcome to book a 1:1 session with me). The consistent theme from these calls though is that what worked before is simply not working. Game over.

Now is not the time however to dwell on the negative. You cannot change the situation, but you can adjust yourself by recalibrating your goals and your mindset. If you have done that, the next step is to be a game changer

“In a world full of game players, the only way to set yourself apart is to be a game changer.”
- Matshona Dhliwayo

The way you change the game is to take a long-term perspective. Forget about trying to close deals in the next 30 to 90 days. Think about the sales when the current freeze begins to thaw. In that timeline, you have a unique opportunity to elevate yourself in the minds of your prospects as an…



Enterprise Sales

B2B sales community across 12 global chapters for professionals involved in complex sales to large clients