Day#5 Salons can’t escape from AI!

Poonum Malhi
3 min readJul 26, 2024


What if AI transform our Salon Experience?

First, we will make three sections, pin up this one…..Yeah that’s right! brush it so as to detangle them…….. I overheard the conversation between an intern and manager of the salon when I entered the salon, for the very first time. When she paid her attention to me, I said “I want to have a hair cut, just like this (Pointing on the picture, I have taken a screenshot of, on my mobile phone. Without any delay, she assigned me to sit down on a black-colored-lathered chair. And the rigorous process just began……. I watched in the mirror as the stylist skillfully worked through my hair, her scissors snipping with precision and expertise. Each snip brought me closer to the look I had envisioned.……At that day of my life, I realized that hairstylists usually do everything manually, like spraying, combing, sectioning, applying a cream (shampoos, I guess) to cutting and styling hair. Despite her evident skill, I couldn’t help but let my mind wander to a future where such tasks might be automated. YES, I thought, what if a robot styled our hair?

As she continued working, I imagined a world where my salon experience was entirely transformed by technology. Before even stepping into the salon, I could try out new hairstyles and colors with advanced virtual reality and imaging solutions. Companies like L’Oréal, Redken, and Madison Reed already offer sophisticated imaging tools. With these, I could browse through countless haircuts and styles, finally finding my perfect match. Bringing this final virtual image into the salon would give the stylist a clear and precise understanding of what I wanted, minimizing the risk of disappointment. It means that the hairstylist will have our virtual image (an image in which our desired hairstyle is already applied virtually!)


In this imagined future, robots would take over the repetitive tasks of washing, cutting, and styling hair. These machines, equipped with advanced sensors and AI algorithms, would ensure precision and consistency. They could cut hair to the exact millimeter, creating perfect symmetry and length every time (Stylists don’t worry more about what-ifs their sneezing spoils hair cutting procedure). Instead of entirely giving judgements in the hands of AI, stylists would supervise these machines, focusing on the creative and personalized aspects of their job, adding artistic touches that machines might not yet be capable of achieving.

The integration of automation would enhance the overall customer experience. With machines handling the tedious tasks, human stylists could spend more time consulting with customers, understanding their preferences, and perfecting their DESIRED looks. This blend of technology and human touch would create a superior salon experience, combining efficiency with a personal touch.

Automation would also streamline the entire salon process, reducing waiting times and improving hygiene (No more long queues of people, getting bored, waiting for their turns!) AS we know that if we teach machines to be hygienic, machines will follow strict protocols for cleaning tools and maintaining workspaces, ensuring a consistently sanitary environment. This would make each visit not only quicker but also safer and more pleasant.

The stylist finished my haircut and spun the chair around so I could see the final result. I looked at my reflection, satisfied with the transformation. As I paid and left the salon, I couldn’t help but smile, thinking about how technology could transform these experiences in the future. My daydreams of an automated salon might still be a few years away, but the potential was undeniably exciting.

For now, I appreciated the skill and care of the stylist who had brought my vision to life. Stepping out into the sun, I felt confident and ready to face the world, knowing that whether it’s manual or automated, the goal remains the same: to help us look and feel our best.

