Entity Joins X Day as the MultiversX Era Begins in Paris


The X Day event in Paris marked a new chapter in Web3 as Elrond began its transformation into MultiversX. Entity was along for every step of the ride as our team connected with the community and CEO Wolfgang Rückerl shared Entity’s progress and future milestones on the main stage.

Growth to the power of X

X Day was a monumental occasion for the community formerly known as the Elrond Network.

In the historic setting of Palais Brongniart in Paris, France, Beniamin Mincu announced the network is expanding and rebranding itself as MultiversX.

MultiversX CEO Beniamin Mincu presents at X Day in Paris

This change represents both an increased focused on Metaverse experiences and an alignment between products that were formerly known by various names such as Elrond and Maiar.

In addition to the new branding, MultiversX will deliver a range of new features like xPortal, xFabric, and xWorlds that represent ambitious new steps for the ecosystem.

Taking place from November 3–5 2022, the event also featured a range of startups from across the Web3 community, the public sector and beyond. Some ecosystem partners also revealed new branding, such as xMoney Crypto (formerly Utrust) and xMoney Fiat (formerly Twispay).

For full coverage of X Day, check out the official Entity Twitter page for our comprehensive recap threads:

Connecting with stakeholders

Entity is all about empowering Web3 startups and investors, and both of those groups were out in full force throughout the week in Paris.

Entity CEO Wolfgang Rückerl and Everstake Segment Lead Alina Tielnova at the Entity X Day Booth

The Entity Team took advantage of the opportunity to network with fellow builders from across the community. During the week, Entity met with a range of blockchain founders and discussed possible synergies.

This was an excellent chance to raise awareness for Entity and connect with potential partners as the project heads into a major growth phase.

Entity in the spotlight

On November 5th, Co-founder and CEO Wolfgang Rückerl shared Entity’s latest progress and future vision for growing the MultiversX ecosystem.

Entity CEO Wolfgang Rückerl explains the platform’s range of next-level features

Wolfgang’s presentation focused on the utility and use cases of Entity. With a Launchpad and range of cutting-edge DeFi features, Entity features a constantly-expanding range of modules that empower Web3 builders and investors.

  • Investors can discover the best new blockchain startups, make smart investment decisions, earn passive income, and monitor their assets
  • Builders can get listed on Entity, get expert feedback, get incubated in key business areas, and get decentralized funding on the Launchpad

Together, these features all work in harmony to accelerate growth on MultiversX.

The Entity Team is comprised of 20+ individuals from Istari Vision and Titan Stake

If you’re going to dream big, you need a big and talented team. Wolfgang praised the Entity team of “hardcore builders” for their passion and achievements to this point before previewing some upcoming milestones like the Launchpad, Staking Farms, and official Entity Litepaper release.

He ended by asking the audience, “Are you #ReadyForEntity?”.

Re-live the magic

If you want to watch Entity’s presentation again, you can find it below on YouTube:

And of course, make sure to follow Entity on Twitter and Telegram for the latest news and contests.

The Entity Team

Istari Vision is a leading service provider for blockchain projects and secure EGLD staking. Istari Vision develops innovative Web3 products and creates educational content for the growing Elrond community.

Titan Stake provides staking services for the Elrond blockchain and develops cutting-edge applications to help transform businesses for Web3.



Entity: Cross-Chain Growth Engine

Entity is building the first comprehensive cross-chain interoperability solution: https://entity.global