Entity & KoC: Bridging DeFi and GameFi on MultiversX

Entity: Cross-Chain Growth Engine
6 min readMay 25, 2023


Web3 gaming and DeFi are joining forces! Entity has officially extended its partnership with Knights of Cathena to help integrate some DeFi firepower into their next-generation blockchain game. Read on to learn more about our shared vision to unlock the full potential of DeFi and GameFi.

A MultiversX GameFi gem

The glory and treasure of Altea await you!

To succeed in this fantasy world, you need intelligence and determination. And with winning commanders earning NFTs and $CGO tokens on the MultiversX blockchain, bragging rights aren’t the only thing at stake.

Knights of Cathena is an exciting GameFi project that combines addictive gameplay with the freedom and rewards of Web3. Powered by fivefingergames, this turn-based strategy game delivers the perfect balance of enjoyable gaming mechanics and compelling blockchain rewards- appealing to both hardcore gamers and hardcore crypto enthusiasts.

As you may know, there are billions of gamers worldwide. Only a small fraction, however, currently use ‘Play-To-Earn’ games like Axie Infinity, which has been criticized for its “easy and mindless” gameplay.

The game is already in its Devnet Alpha test phase

The team behind Knights of Cathena (KoC) is working hard to flip the script on this narrative with their tactical and engaging gameplay. Instead of a ‘Play-To-Earn’ experience where the game itself takes a backseat to the rewards, KoC is a ‘Play-And-Earn’ game that is way more fun than just grinding for tokens.

Players command an army of 3D soldiers such as knights, archers and wizards who each have different strengths and weaknesses. With the right strategy, you can outsmart your opponents, earn tokens and unlock a wide range of NFT items to improve your team and advance your ranking from Peasant all the way to Grandmaster.

Described by some fans as “chess on steroids”, Knights of Cathena combines the power of MultiversX with the strong foundation of the Unity game engine. KoC is already playable in its Devnet Alpha release and just launched on the Epic Games Store earlier this week.

Now available on Epic Games

On Tuesday May 23, 2023, Knights of Cathena officially went live for over 200 million Mac and PC gamers on Epic Games. As one of the very first Web3 games on the platform, this news shows that KoC is at the forefront of bringing GameFi to the mainstream.

KoC players can already start earning tokens and NFT prizes

Now available to a massive global audience, KoC can potentially onboard a huge wave of new users to MultiversX. The Epic Games Store will be updated with subsequent versions of the game, such as Knights of Cathena Beta and the mainnet release with fully integrated $CGO tokens.

In the meantime, early users will be rewarded down the road with real tokens based on how many red gems they collect. Players who collect at least 100,000 gems during the Alpha test phase will also get a special edition NFT pet they can use in the full release of the game. So, don’t wait to try out KoC now and start earning some real rewards!

Harmonizing DeFi and GameFi

Today, we are excited to announce that Entity will help integrate DeFi features into Knights of Cathena for its mainnet release.

Entity believes that DeFi and GameFi are two of the best use cases for driving Web3 adoption, and we look forward to leveraging our expertise to help capitalize on synergies between these two spaces.

KoC could help onboard gamers from Epic Games and beyond into the world of DeFi

Since Knights of Cathena will feature a decentralized in-game economy, this partnership with Entity opens the door to a range of intriguing new use cases. Overall, the goal is to make the $CGO ecosystem as vibrant, efficient and powerful as possible.

This dynamic can help onboard more gamers to DeFi, while also encouraging DeFi investors to get involved more with blockchain gaming. We will release more information in the coming months about how exactly this integration will work in practice, so stay tuned!

Elevating the ecosystem together

The partnership between Entity and Knights of Cathena goes back to March 2022, when KoC became the first project ever listed on the Entity Project Monitor.

Since then, the Knights of Cathena Team has been hard at working building not only the project’s core gameplay mechanics, but also the supporting Web3 elements that offer a truly seamless GameFi experience. Entity is focused on kickstarting Web3 mass adoption, so we are impressed with how KoC balances decentralization with easy onboarding for new users.

Entity also values how Knights of Cathena is laying the groundwork for a strong community element. In particular, the game will support clans known as Noble Houses that connect gamers like GameFi mini-DAOs.

Lukas from KoC will give a keynote presentation at the Entity Builders Forum on June 10

To share updates about the game’s progress, Knights of Cathena CEO Lukas Anetsberger joined the Entity Project Dialogues earlier this year. You can tune in here if you missed this spirited conversation about gaming, MultiversX and building on Web3.

Lukas will also join the upcoming Entity Builders Forum on June 10. KoC is a Gold Partner for the Builders Forum, and Lukas will have a special presentation slot from 1:30–1:45 PM UTC at this exciting online event.

In addition to Lukas’ special presentation, the Builders Forum will feature captivating discussions with top Web3 builders. Plus, there will be a range of individual rewards as well as team prizes for the most enthusiastic MultiversX community in the Battle of Hype. To join this insightful free event, sign up now!

It’s still day one

While you can already start playing KoC and earning rewards, this GameFi project’s hypergrowth phase is still yet to come.

Knights of Cathena will debut their Beta release in Q3 2023, with their full game available in Q1 2024. Their $CGO token is also scheduled to go live in the next few months, delivering a powerful tool for KoC to bootstrap their game, incentivize new players and supercharge GameFi mass adoption.

The KoC Team has a comprehensive strategy to onboard new players. This approach takes the best of Web3, such as token rewards and decentralized organizations, and the best of Web2 gaming, like working with Epic Games and sharing live content on Twitch.

Speaking of Twitch, make sure to check out KoC’s regular Twitch Streams every Wednesday at 17:00 PM UTC where the team dives into gameplay and behind the scenes action that shows what it’s really like to build a blockchain game.

Plus, join the Knights of Cathena community on Twitter, Telegram and Discord for all the latest news, contests and more.

Bringing together the best of Web3

Entity, Growth Engine for Web3, is all about unleashing innovative new use cases for the MultiversX blockchain.

Moving forward, we look forward to offering our resources and DeFi knowledge to help KoC grow their project and onboard the next wave of users to Web3.

As we continue to evolve and expand our partnerships, make sure to follow Entity on Twitter and join us on Telegram for all the latest updates!

Enhancing the MultiversX Ecosystem

Entity is a Launchpad and suite of cutting-edge tools for Web3 builders and investors. Entity is focused on catalyzing growth in key areas such as DeFi, GameFi, NFTs and real-world blockchain applications.

MultiversX is a highly scalable, secure and decentralized blockchain network created to enable radically new applications, for users, businesses, society, and the new metaverse frontier.



Entity: Cross-Chain Growth Engine

Entity is building the first comprehensive cross-chain interoperability solution: https://entity.global