How Will Entity Elevate the MultiversX Ecosystem?


Entity asked some of the most prolific builders from the ecosystem why they are passionate about MultiversX and why they are #ReadyForEntity. In this article, we will explore the utilities from Entity that the community thinks will have the greatest impact.

Launching innovative projects

For MultiversX to continue growing, it is crucial to attract more builders and high potential projects to the network.

Entity will elevate the entire ecosystem by supporting builders with key on-chain infrastructure such as our Launchpad, Launch Pool and Staking Farms.

Prepare for the Entity Launchpad (Design prototype — for display purposes only)

“It’s such a great value proposition, for not only the community but the ecosystem and new builders coming in.”

— Ryan Dietz Founder & CEO of Aerovek and Kavarii

The Entity Launchpad and Launch Pool will work together to help projects building on MultiversX to secure decentralized funding, expand their communities, improve in key business areas, and more.

Empowering builders and investors

Beyond hosting launches, Entity is also proud to spotlight builders from across MultiversX with key info and transparent ratings on our Project Monitor.

Explore the Entity Project Monitor

“These are really cool things, for the community to know whether projects are good or not and have a better look over the data.

It also helps us as a project for us to find insights to improve our product.”

— Neil Nguyen Founder & CEO of AshSwap

This feature helps projects improve themselves and analyze the ecosystem while also helping investors conduct research and leverage data.

Making life easier for users

With up-to-date information and analytics from across the network, Entity helps MultiversX users level up their investing process.

Take your Web3 investing to the next level with the Entity Portfolio module

Featuring tools like Staking Provider Metrics, the Portfolio module and the Tax Tools, Entity gives investors the knowledge they need to make smarter decisions.

These data and analytics work in harmony with Entity’s DeFi modules to improve the quality of life for MultiversX users.

“I was very, very curious about the Launchpad, since it gives us the opportunity to be there from the start.”

— Emanuel Lodea Community Manager & SFX Designer

On-chain modules like the Entity Launchpad, Launch Pool, and Liquidity Diversification Marketplace (LDM) will all give investors more chances to directly support high-quality projects that are building innovative Web3 products.

Accelerating growth on the network

With all of these features working together, Entity will elevate the MultiversX ecosystem by catalyzing decentralized growth.

Watch the full video about why builders are #ReadyForEntity

“I think what you have built so far and what you have in the pipeline will help a lot of people.”

— Razvan Statescu Founder & CEO of Giants Village and xDevHub

By uplifting projects that innovate and add value to the community, Entity makes the whole network stronger.

And with our dual focus on builders and investors, Entity empowers groundbreaking startups as well as dedicated users who want to help the ecosystem grow.

Stay tuned for Entity’s 2022 Year in Review

Next week, we will start reviewing the highlights of Entity’s first year as a Growth Engine for Web3.

Then, we will kick off 2023 with a full breakdown of our upcoming roadmap and growth trajectory.

Until then, make sure to follow us on Twitter and Telegram as we fuel up for launch.

Enhancing the MultiversX Ecosystem

Entity is a Launchpad and suite of cutting-edge tools for Web3 builders and investors. Entity is focused on catalyzing growth in key areas such as DeFi, GameFi, NFTs and real-world blockchain applications.

MultiversX is a highly scalable, secure and decentralized blockchain network created to enable radically new applications, for users, businesses, society, and the new metaverse frontier.



Entity: Cross-Chain Growth Engine

Entity is building the first comprehensive cross-chain interoperability solution: