Fun and Funding!

2 min readJan 27, 2017


Co-Founders Carissa Flocken (CEO) and Ben Doyle (CTO)

We’re incredibly proud to announce our first Venture Capital-backed round of $2 million in seed funding. FORTUNE beat us to the announcement, you can read their article here. With these funds we will be working on bringing our technology to the market, which means that in the coming months you will start to see interactive 360 video experiences shared over simple URLs on smartphones and desktops. We hope that we’ll be able to reach people of all ages and backgrounds, deliver great content from our partners, and help spread the gospel of WebVR.

This is all laying the groundwork for a not too distant future in which WebVR is critical to how we interact with the internet. As Ben, our co-founder and CTO put it, “The internet is how we share knowledge. VR is how we’ll share experience.” Carissa, co-founder and CEO, has been envisioning how we can make 360 video a vital new format, something we’ve been discussing here on Medium as well. In her words, “the next medium should be responsive, life-like even; you should be able to interact with the videos and have them respond to your presence.” We’re incredibly excited to be making this dream a reality and, with the funds we’ve secured, will be well positioned to do so in the coming year.

A big thanks to Two Sigma Ventures, who led the round, and our entire dream-team of investors and advisors. Samsung NEXT, KBS Ventures, Virtual Reality Investment, Indicator Ventures, Female Founders Fund, Galvanize, Social Starts, Karen Karniol-Tambour (from Bridgewater Associates), and several other angels. Abby Albright, a leader in the AR and VR, has been a key advisor to us throughout this process.

