Fondly Remembering the Elephants

2 min readDec 6, 2015


The African elephants (Loxondonta africana) of the Toronto Zoo were a sight to behold. The first and only time I saw them in real life was well before they started regularly making the news and before both I and the elephants moved away from Canada.

As I sort through myriad digital photos of my life experiences at the onset of owning a digital camera, I see that a lot of things have permanently changed. For better or worse, the Toronto Zoo elephants are in California, with experts in favor of the move. For better, I have broadened my horizons by experiencing the culture and day-to-day life of a country very different from my own.

I’m no expert, but I do know that these elephant photos will forever remind me of the time back in 2006 that my mother and I enjoyed a day at the zoo. A time before I became an “expat,” a word itself tainted by the fact that it is only applied to certain groups of people who depart their home country. A time before the news started talking in earnest about a Sixth Mass Extinction event. What does the future hold for these endangered species? Unfortunately, whatever it is, it holds the same fate for us.




Canadian, Mother, Naturalist, Scientist, Educator, Runner, Reader, and Foodie. I seek kindred spirits with whom to hold digital palaver. #nature #science