5 practical tips for life in the age of COVID

Ellie Murray
3 min readMar 14, 2020


Infectious diseases are a community problem, not an individual problem, and we all need to work together to bring them under control. Right now, that means working together to stop the spread of the new coronavirus which is causing COVID. Symptoms are similar to the flu but can progress to a much worse pneumonia, so it’s important to take it seriously.

The following images are based on CDC recommendations, and make up a new info sheet that is being disseminated to all patients at the Boston Medical Center via their EPIC discharge sheets.

Please share widely. Together we can #FlattenTheCurve!

The full info sheet in English

Recommendation 1: AVOID CROWDS

Do stay indoors, enjoy quiet outdoor spaces, stay 6 feet (2m) apart, walk your dog.

Don’t shake hands, or squish together.

Who: everyone, sick or not.

Avoid crowds

Recommendation 2: STAY HOME IF YOU’RE SICK

Do rest in bed or on the couch, call your doctor before seeking care, wear a mask if you have to go out.

Don’t use public transit or ride-shares.

Who: if you have a cough, fever, or shortness of breath, or if you’ve been in contact with someone who has had COVID.

Stay home if you’re sick


Do clean daily, use soap and water, diluted bleach, or 70% alcohol solutions.

Don’t forget tablets, phones, & TV remotes.

Who: everyone, sick or not!

Clean frequently used surfaces


Do use a tissue or your elbow

Don’t sneeze in someone’s face. Eww!

Who: everyone, no matter why you’re coughing or sneezing!

Cover your coughs and sneezes

Recommendation 5: CLEAN YOUR HANDS OFTEN

Do use soap & water, remember your nails and the back of your hands.

Don’t forget about your thumbs.

Who: everyone and as often as you can!

Clean your hands often



Ellie Murray

Assistant Professor of Epidemiology at Boston University School of Public Health. Follow for causal inference, epidemiology, & data science. Twitter: @epiellie