Epi Ludvik
2 min readNov 23, 2017


There’s No Failures or Mistakes, Just Lessons Learned

I’m not an all-knowing expert who never makes mistakes. In fact, I still make a lot of mistakes when it comes to building and growing a startup. And I’m definitely not immune to failure.

Earlier this week, I sent out an email to some of my close connections announcing Decentralization as our theme for 2018, which wasn’t sent out as intended because of a technical glitch. See screenshot below:

When this happened, my mind started to race. Will my close contacts be offended? Will they understand that mistakes can happen?

Immediately, I decided to follow up and address the mistake in another email, apologized for the error and thanked my connections for their loyalty and continuous support. It feels great to have positive people who quickly point out the error and many others who thanked me for putting a smile on their face instead :-)

What I learned from this:

  • Most of the people I emailed were kind and were not offended.
  • Amazingly this was the highest amount of replies I ever got in less than one hour.
  • Most importantly, I’m building a rapport with people who truly want to stay connected by conversing and exploring ways to work together. This to me is the true power of connection.

Sometimes, mistakes can happen. Being in business, and life in general, means accepting the reality that failure is inevitable.

I just wanted to say massive thanks to everyone again for being connected, and I can’t wait for what’s ahead in 2018, our upcoming CSW Arctic // Europe 2018 conference, and having many of you involved with Crowdsourcing Week in one way or another!

Live with passion and purpose.

Happy Thanksgiving.




Epi Ludvik

Founder of Crowdsourcing Week + BOLD Awards living life with passion & purpose #crowdsourcing #beBOLD