Introducing EQUAL

EQUAL Network
Published in
3 min readJul 27, 2018

It’s been over 10 years since Blockchain was created. We stand as a community at a crossroads. The technology and the industry has been engulfed in ignorance from an external perspective whereby the industry is seen as a currency market rather than a technological revolution. The learning process of the regular individual begins and ends with the news headlines referencing the blockchain industry as a fad or a flash in the pan. Currently, the industry is very much in its infancy; think of a world scoured with fragments. These fragments represent the projects built on the blockchain and the lack of unison of those projects towards one goal: mass adoption. Enter: EQUAL.

The EQUAL Vision

The EQUAL Vision has a bilateral focus. EQUAL was incepted under the premise that there were optimization issues within the Blockchain Industry, these issues have halted a movement towards mass adoption and a lack of transfer between investment and utility.

Specifically speaking EQUAL aims to congregate investment and utility all into one tool. The team envisioned a Wallet to facilitate not only mass adoption but mass utility, a wallet with the capability of connecting financial investment and the utility of Cryptocurrencies on the Decentralized Web.

To this point, EQUAL made the stark realisation that 90% of Cryptocurrency use was surrounded around investment. In order to create a paradigm shift toward greater utility, we created the EQL Wallet and DAPP Store. This creates the ability to have a financial wallet readily able to be used on relevant and popular DAPPs and DEXs on the Ethereum Network.

Here is the first look at the EQL wallet which has a superior UI and UX experience coupled with a comprehensive suite of features that aims to unify the Ethereum Network, whilst providing a tool aimed at minimizing the learning curve needed to use Wallets and interact with DAPPs.

The EQL Wallet
The EQL DAPP Store

By providing a full Financial Portfolio experience coupled with the DAPP Store aimed at providing relevant DAPPs and DEXs the exposure they deserve, EQL believes it will be the beacon for facilitating a Decentralized future. Decentralisation is one of the most important aspects of Blockchain Technology and that view of Decentralisation has been murky with the introduction of Centralised services.

The EQUAL Vision is to optimize the Blockchain and specifically the Wallet market to provide:

  1. Simplicity to the regular investor and user
  2. DAPPs and DEXs the platform to showcase their Decentralised Projects.
  3. Web3 Injection in order to interact with the Decentralised Web

This is the beginning of a series of articles detailing the EQUAL Project and the problems our team aims to alleviate as we approach our imminent launch. Please follow along as the series will detail much more about the features within our Wallet and DAPP Store that will unify the Ethereum Blockchain.

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