The Empty Space Where Love Once Lived

It was on a crisp spring day, amidst the symphony of sunshine and the soft, comforting embrace of the changing season, that I had to say goodbye to Rocky, my rescue dog and an irreplaceable member of our family. The void that his absence has left in our lives is a profound testament to the indelible mark he made on our hearts, a mark as deep and unfading as any love etched into the very fabric of our being.

Family Dynamics
3 min readMar 22, 2024


I like to think, in my innocent (yet adult) mind — that my dad is taking care of Rocky for me. They would’ve loved each other. Until we all meet again.

In the quiet of my home, where the echoes of a once vibrant presence linger in corners now shadowed with silence, I find myself grappling with a void that is so large, I didn’t see it coming. I have love and lost many, including my father just over 10 years ago. The grief of losing Rocky is as strong as the grief I’ve had for human beings I have loved. Rocky was not just a pet; he was the embodiment of unconditional love, joy, and the spirit of resilience. From the moment he entered our lives, with those soulful eyes and that unwavering loyalty, he rescued us just as much as we rescued him. His presence was a constant, comforting force, a beacon of light in the darkest of times, and the source of endless…



Family Dynamics

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