How I Became The Leader Of The New York City Corgi Meet Ups

Eric Ho
2 min readOct 1, 2017


Me with Corgi Sam in Chinatown. Photo by David Tufino.

I never owned a dog growing up or even heard of what a corgi was until a series of coincidental events lead me to become the “Corgi Whisperer” and the leader of the NYC corgi meet ups. I used to work for 3D printing company called Shapeways as their Social Media Manager. While there I started a online store where I collaborated with talented 3D artist to create awesome 3D printed figurines and wares based on memes and internet pop culture.

I came across a viral photo of a corgi dressed as Thor and it prompted me to create a figurine called Thorgi, designed in collaboration with artist Corretta Singer. The 3D printed Thorgi figurine went viral and started selling a lot, when I saw the momentum of sales I wanted to learn more about the corgi community. I began to use Instagram to connect with Corgi owners in NYC. I would meet up with them, they would bring their corgi, and I would learn about the corgi breed.

Thorgi, Designed in Collaboration with Corretta Singer

I met many corgi owners in 2016, often times randomly on the street. I also discovered a corgi meet up group on I attended several corgi meet ups organized by the NYC Corgi meet up organizers that year until earlier in 2017 the organizers became inactive because they were expecting their first human child. They asked if I would mind taking over because I was very engaged in the NYC corgi scene and I proudly accepted.

I have organized a monthly corgi meet up in NYC since February and so far I have been enjoying the responsibility. They are generally held in Hillside Park in Dumbo, Brooklyn on the last Sunday of each month which I schedule using and through the NY Corgi Facebook page. These corgi meet ups bring so much happiness to corgi owners and guest who attend and New Yorkers are beginning to witness the corgi movement that is happening. The most intriguing part of this entire experience is that I still don’t own a corgi myself.

I would love to own a corgi one day but until then I have a personal goal to try to hold every corgi in NYC and eventually travel every major city in the US and the world and hold a corgi in that city. Follow along my corgi whispering journey on Instagram @EricHoRaw.



Eric Ho

My name is Eric Ho and I'm a sales and marketing professional based out of Jacksonville Florida. I'm a Foodie, Techie, and Corgi Whisperer.