How I leverage My Most loyal Customers To Become My Best Evangelist

Eric Ho
3 min readNov 24, 2015


Thorgi, The Corgi God Of Thunder. Photo by Jeffrey Dionisio

For the marketers and community managers out there, one thing that we’re always told is that our community members are our most important customers and brand evangelist. When I built Raw Legend Collaborations and started to see sales and high engagement around the products I was promoting I began to take note of who were my most enthusiastic customers, especially the ones who were repeat customers. I would listen and pay attention on social media. I would monitor those who would repeatedly like, share, and mention me on social and I would make a effort to build a relationship with those users.

One thing I always say is that in the digital age where everyone is so hyperconnected; consumers are no longer interested in engaging with a logo, they want to engage with a person. Make your brand human, and if you’re a small business like myself, you and your brand are one and the same. Here are some of the simple tips I’ve used to convert my followers into my most loyal customers and evangelist.

  1. Respond to every single comment and brand mention
  2. Ask for the close, when users respond with comments like “I love this!” or “OMG cute!” be sure to respond with where they can learn more about the product and purchase the product.
  3. Create a spreadsheet where you can keep track of your most loyal followers and influencers.
  4. Utilize retweets, shares, and reposts to your advantage. On Instagram I’ve built a following amongst the Corgi community by frequently reposting the purchases of my customers and repackaging that content to re-promote my products to my targeted audience.
  5. Be their friend or at least be friendly, it’s ok to have a conversation with your customers and followers. My motto is that you have to trust the messenger before you can endorse the message, this applies to all things marketing and in life.

Once you’ve built a reputation as a trusted brand with sincere engagement and quality content, the next step is to grow your reputation and you’ll essentially build a culture which your fans and customers belong to and that is the backbone of what makes a community; culture. Without even knowing it I’ve built a culture around my 3D printed products where my customers love sharing photos of my 3D printed products in the wild or with their corgis. Follow me on Instagram (@EricHoRaw) to witness how I’ve leveraged my customers to become my greatest evangelist.







Eric Ho

My name is Eric Ho and I'm a sales and marketing professional based out of Jacksonville Florida. I'm a Foodie, Techie, and Corgi Whisperer.