How To Amplify The Reach Of Your Facebook Posts Through Bulk Sharing

Eric Ho
3 min readJan 1, 2016


With Facebook organic reach going to crap in 2015, there are still several ways you can amplify the organic reach of your Facebook posts through these sharing methods. It just takes a little bit of work but the free organic reach will be worth it, especially when you’re targeting the right audiences.

  1. Share on your own Timeline

By clicking the share button on a Facebook post, you can easily hit “share now” with your personal Facebook friends. I’ve seen friends turn their own personal timelines into a RSS feed of just content they care about. If you’re managing your personal businesses fan page, you can quickly share each post to your personal timeline.

2) Share on a friend’s Timeline

The same method for sharing on your own timeline except that when you share on a friend’s timeline, you can hit the share button again and share that content with as many friends as you choose manually. A more efficient way is to just share on your personal timeline and then bulk tag multiple friends on that post.

3) Share in a Group

This is my personal favorite method to share and amplify the organic reach of my content. I like to join several Facebook groups that are relevant to my subject matter, niche, and marketplace. I then share my content on my brands fan page, then I’ll manually share that content across the several Facebook groups. For example I am in several corgi groups on Facebook which range from 1000–5000 community members, if I share across 4–5 of those groups I amplify my reach pretty significantly.

4) Share on a Page you manage

If you manage multiple Facebook pages it makes sense to cross promote and share that content across your various Facebook properties. I’ve seen media companies like Buzzfeed and Business insider do this really well, this allows you to share content across multiple accounts, multiple times a day.

5) Share in a private message

Messaging apps are exploding in popularity. I believe that in a “share share share” type of world, the most intimate and immersive communication experience are still 1–1 messaging and private messaging. Facebook messenger happens to be the one of the most used messaging apps out there, and my prediction is that it will soon be the most used messaging mobile app in the world. With the trend of organic reach dwindling on our personal timelines, we’re casually sharing content privately to make sure those who are important to us do not miss out on seeing that content.








Eric Ho

My name is Eric Ho and I'm a sales and marketing professional based out of Jacksonville Florida. I'm a Foodie, Techie, and Corgi Whisperer.