6 Reasons to Choose Your Next Barber

Eric Pannell
4 min readDec 20, 2016


Either you’ve moved to another city or bouncing around from barbershop to barbershop.

But you’re at the point where you need to go steady with one barber.

Finding the right barber is a BIG decision because it impacts your appearance, fits into your schedule, and the ladies you attract (very important).

Today you’re going to learn 6 important factors that you should base your decision to choose your next barber. If he/she doesn’t have all 6 of these move to the next barber!


It goes without saying that if your barber can’t keep a clean working station, how do you expect him/her to ensure their clippers are clean.

Cleanliness is an important part of service and with a service that involves your personal space it’s vital. If their working station looks like a junk yard, you should pass immediately.

Look for the following for cleanliness; hair swept after every haircut, clippers cleaned, seat cleaned, and barbers hands cleaned.

These tasks are basic, but often overlooked by barbers that clients really pay attention to.

Cleanliness is intentionally #1 on this list because it’s the most important.

If a barber cares enough about cleanliness then they will equally care about you as a customer.

Barbers listen up!

Professional Appearance

A barber that doesn’t keep a groomed haircut, and professional appearance would never get my business… ever!

Any barber that have hair all over the place, clothes sagging, or doesn’t have good hygiene should never be your choice of barber.

After all the reason you’re going to the barber shop is to keep your appearance up to par.

The barbershop that I go to in Charlotte, NC wears nice slacks, company attire, bow ties, and nice shoes. Then they dress down on weekends but still with a professional look.

Good Personality

This may sound like a dating quality, but it’s important for the ideal barber that you choose.

If you’re like me, you’re going to the barber shop 4 times a month and spending approximately 3 to 4 hours in the chair. At the very least you have to like the person that’s providing this type of service.

Pay attention how a barber greets his/her clients, how they welcome walk-in clients, how they get along with fellow barbers in the shop.

This may seem like a small deal, but if you’re paying for a service you have a right to make the decision on your terms.

Having a good relationship with your barber you will talk about family, become closer friends in some cases, sports, or life in general.

Good Memory

This may not be critical for you, but it is for many. My barber is really good because he knows my routine.

One week I get a full cut, then the other week I get an edge up. The minute that I step in the chair he already knows from week to week.

That’s what you call great service, but I will admit that it’s not normal.

Good memory also comes in the form of knowing special events that happened in your life.

Things that are important to you like kids events, graduation, sick family member, etc. These are all things that my barber “remembers” and ask how they went or coming along.

Good memory feeds into exceptional customer service. Again, if you’re a paying client you deserve this so you should expect it.


When my dad use to take me to get haircuts, my barber had the dusty notebook with written appointments in it.

Let’s face it, we are much busier today then ever. Your ideal barber should have his/her business set up to support your schedule.

Things like booking appointments on the go (no phone calls or text message) use to be a luxury now they are the norm.

For the most part barbers are still using this method today, but the health & beauty industry has change for the better from an innovative perspective.

Barbers are using their mobile phones now to manage appointments digitally, or using software to help them book appointments and manage payments.

I’m passionate about the health & beauty industry and have since launched an app called Zap Style to help the industry better manager and grow their business.

If you’ve ever wondered, I can pre-pay for a meal at a restaurant, pre-pay for a TV then pick it up, pre-pay groceries and walk out the store.

How come I can’t do the same for my haircuts? Well now you can!

Zap Style is available for download on both Android and iPhone, grab it today!

Quality Haircuts

Are you getting the hair cut that you desire? This is an important question to ask yourself.

I know people that are scared to death to request another barber or even worse just to another shop all together.

Listen, I know it’s not a comfortable conversation to have but again you’re paying for a service! You deserve to get in return what you’re paying for.

Analyze how the barber cuts other client’s hair, or ask around for others have used them in the past.

Most barbers are on either Facebook or Instagram and share their cuts there. Check out their profile and see what type of cuts they have done and compare against your preferences.


I put together this list after many personal experiences and conversations with others that struggle with finding the right barber.

There are of course more variables but I wanted to highlight some of the most critical factors for choosing the right barber to fit your needs.

I hope that you found this article be useful. If so, I would appreciate if you comment below and share your personal experiences.

Please share this with others in your community of friends and family.



Eric Pannell

I help non-technical entrepreneurs build cool stuff without learning how to code. Co-Founder of Brew Tender, founder of www.startupswithnocode.com