How to Choose Your Favorite Cryptocurrency

Eric Sammons
1 min readMay 8, 2017


The cryptocurrency market has been going crazy lately, as FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) has taken hold. And it’s not just Bitcoin: the value of all cryptocurrencies has been skyrocketing in recent months, raising the value of the overall cryptocurrency market to over $50 billion.

With so many hot cryptocurrencies right now, how do you choose your favorite? Do you think a currency should first be a strong store of value? Or should it be a cash payment system? Do you think smart contracts are the wave of the future? Or do you want your cryptocurrency to be a decentralized supercomputer? The choices are seemingly endless.

But don’t fret, my friend. I have created a handy decision tree chart to help you in your dilemma:

What do you think? Did I miss anything important? Did I label a cryptocurrency unfairly? Feel free to leave comments below.



Eric Sammons

Writer/Editor/(former) Developer. Interested in technology, economics, and cryptocurrencies. Author of “Bitcoin Basics: 101 Questions and Answers.”