+100 Things to Write About When You’re Struggling for Ideas

Eric Darnell
18 min readJun 1, 2022


Things to Write About
Things to Write About

There are many things to write about, regardless of your chosen topic. You can find inspiration in the most unlikely places, and all it takes is a little creativity and effort to get those creative juices flowing.

You don’t have to be a professional writer to come up with interesting and engaging content.

sometimes the most successful bloggers are those who aren’t afraid to experiment with their writing style and approach.

So if you’re feeling stuck for ideas, don’t worry-you’re not alone. read on to find 100 things you can write about to help jump-start your creativity.

What should I write about?

What should I write about?
What should I write about?

This is a question that plagues many writers, both amateur and professional. The truth is, there are no hard and fast rules about what makes a good topic for writing. Sometimes the best ideas come from the most unexpected places.

The next time you’re feeling stuck for something to write about, try this simple exercise: ask yourself what you’re thinking about right now. It sounds too easy to be effective, but give it a try.

You might be surprised at how much you end up writing and how many writing ideas you can draw from it. The reason it works is that it taps into the stream of consciousness that’s always running through your head.

By taking a moment to focus on that stream, you can access the wealth of material that’s already there, just waiting to be turned into something interesting and useful.

So the next time you’re facing a blank page, take a few minutes to ask yourself what’s on your mind and then start creative writing.

What to do when you don’t know what to write?

What to do when you don’t know what to write?
What to do when you don’t know what to write?

One of the best things you can do when you’re struggling with ideas is to keep a journal. This doesn’t have to be a formal, structured journal-it can be as simple as a notebook where you jot down your thoughts and observations.

The act of writing itself can often help to generate new ideas and insights. As you write, you’ll begin to notice patterns and connections that you might not have seen before. This can be a great way to come up with ideas for articles, blog posts, or even novels.

Another helpful tip is to read widely and varied material. By exposing yourself to different styles of writing and different points of view, you’ll open yourself up to new possibilities for your own writing.

And finally, don’t forget that inspiration can come from anywhere-so keep your eyes and ears open to the world around you. You never know when something will spark an idea for a great piece of writing.

How can I find inspiration for what to write about?

what to write about?
How can I find inspiration for what to write about?

The truth is, that inspiration can come from anywhere as mentioned before. Sometimes the best ideas come when you least expect them. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you’re looking for writing inspiration:

  • Re-read a favorite book: Sometimes all it takes is a familiar story to jump-start your creativity. Reading a book you love can help to get your mind working in new and interesting ways.
  • Talk to people: One of the best things you can do when you’re looking for writing inspiration is to talk to people. Ask them about their lives, their thoughts, and their experiences. You never know what you might learn or what kind of ideas you’ll come up with.
  • Look at things in a new way: Sometimes all it takes is a change of perspective to find new ideas. If you’re feeling stuck, try looking at things from a different angle. For example, if you’re trying to write about a particular topic, think about how it affects other people or how it could be seen in a different light.
  • Keep a journal: As mentioned before, keeping a journal can be a great way to generate new ideas. The act of writing itself can often help you to see things in new and interesting ways.
  • Take a walk: Sometimes the best thing you can do when you’re stuck on ideas is to simply get up and move around. Walking can help to clear your head and give you time to think about things in new ways.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment: One of the best things you can do when you’re struggling with ideas is to simply experiment with your writing. Try different styles, approaches, or formats until you find something that feels right for you.
  • Use google search: If you’re really stuck, try using Google to search for writing prompts or ideas. You know how Google works when you type in a word or phrase. There are a lot of great resources out there that can help you to get started.

The bottom line is that there are many things you can write about, regardless of your chosen topic. With a little creativity and effort, you can find inspiration in the most unlikely places. So don’t be afraid to experiment with your writing style and approach-you never know what you might come up with.

100 Things to write about when you’re fresh out of ideas

100 Things to write
100 Things to write

Ready to get your writing juices flowing? Creative sparks are always flying when you think outside of the box, but sometimes it can be tough to find your way back. That’s why we compiled this list with some innovative ideas for getting inspired!

The first step in any creative endeavor is deciding what kind of project will take up all those free hours? Whether it’s writing an essay on gardening or exploring different recipes online; there’s no wrong answer — as long as they’re interesting enough YOU want them done properly.

Fictional Things To Write About

Fictional Things To Write About
Fictional Things To Write About

I love good stories. And I know you do, too. There’s nothing like getting lost in a great book or losing yourself in a captivating tale. Whether it’s a short story, a novel, or even flash fiction, there’s something about a good story that just keeps you coming back for more.

But what if you don’t know where to start? What if you have a great idea for a story, but you’re not quite sure how to get it down on paper? Never fear! Here are some of the topic ideas:

  • Reinvent childhood memories: We all have memories that define our childhoods. But what if you took one of those memories and gave it a twist? What if your parents got divorced instead of staying together? What would that change about your life?
  • Write from the perspective of an object: This is a really fun one! Pick an object and write a story from its point of view. For example, you could write a story from the perspective of a pencil or a pair of glasses.
  • Choose a random word and write a story about it: This is another great one for sparking creativity. Simply choose a random word and write a story that includes that word. It can be as long or as short as you want, and you can be as creative as you want.
  • A dream come true: What if you could have anything you wanted? What would you choose? Write a story about what happens when your dream comes true.
  • Get inspired by a photo: Choose a photo that inspires you and write a story based on what you see.
  • A day in life: Write a story about what it would be like to spend a day in someone else’s shoes.
  • A different ending: Take a classic story and give it a new ending. For example, what if Cinderella didn’t go to the ball? What if she went to the ball and got rejected? What would happen next?

These are just a few ideas to get you started. But don’t feel like you have to stick to them. The sky is the limit! Let your creativity run wild and see what you come up with.

Interesting Things to Write About

Interesting Things to Write About
Interesting Things to Write About

Let’s face it, some topics are just more interesting than others. And when you’re writing, you want to keep your audience engaged. That’s why it’s important to choose a topic that will hold their attention.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • The day you met your best friend: Write about the day you met your best friend. What were you doing? What did you say? How did you feel?
  • A time when you were embarrassed: We’ve all been there. Write about a time when you were embarrassed. What happened? How did you feel? What did you do?
  • Something you know how to do: We all have talents and skills that we take for granted. Write about something that you know how to do, but others might not. For example, you could write about how to bake a cake or how to change a tire.
  • A time when you were proud of yourself: We all have moments that make us feel proud of ourselves. Write about a time when you were proud of yourself.
  • Your favorite childhood memory: Write about your favorite childhood memory. What made it so special?
  • What song best motivates you: We all have that one song that just gets us going. Write about what song best motivates you and why.
  • A cause you’re passionate about: Write about a cause that you’re passionate about and why it’s important to you.
  • What can older people learn from your generation: This is a great one for sparking debate. Write about what you think older people can learn from your generation.
  • Life experiences: Write about a life experience that has shaped who you are today.

Inspiring Things to Write About

Inspiring Things to Write About
Inspiring Things to Write About

When you’re feeling stuck, it can be helpful to look for some inspiration. These topics are designed to get your creative juices flowing and help you write something amazing.

  • A time when you overcame adversity: We all face challenges in life, but how we overcome them is what defines us. Write about a time when you faced a difficult situation and overcame it. What did you learn from the experience?
  • How to make a difference in the world: This is a feel-good topic that will leave your readers inspired. Write about how they can make a difference in the world, no matter how small.
  • A random act of kindness: Kindness is always in style. Write about a time when you or someone else did a random act of kindness. What was the result?
  • How to make life better: Life can be tough, but it doesn’t have to be. Write about how people can make their lives better.
  • A time when you helped someone: We all have the power to help others. Write about a time when you lent a helping hand. How did it make you feel?
  • How to become something: This is a great topic for people who are looking to make a change in their lives. Write about how they can become what they’ve always wanted to be.
  • How social media helped you: Social media gets a bad rap, but it can be used for good. Write about how social media has helped you in your life.
  • A time when you followed your heart: Sometimes the best things in life are the ones we don’t plan for. Write about a time when you followed your heart and what happened as a result.
  • A lesson you learned from nature: Nature has a lot to teach us. Write about a lesson you learned from nature.
  • How to be happy: We all want to be happy, but it’s not always easy. Write about how people can find happiness in their lives.
  • Job interview: Have you ever gone on a job interview? How did it go? Did you get the job?

Fun Things to Write About

Fun Things to Write About
Fun Things to Write About

Not all writing has to be serious. Sometimes it’s more fun to write about something that’s light-hearted and enjoyable. If you’re struggling to find something to write about, try one of these topics.

  • Your favorite food: Write about your favorite food. What is it? Why do you like it? How do you make it?
  • Your favorite movie: We all have that one movie that we can watch over and over again. Write about your favorite movie and what makes it so special.
  • A place you’ve always wanted to visit: Write about a place you’ve always wanted to visit. Why do you want to go there? What would you do if you were there?
  • A hobby you love: Write about a hobby you love. What is it? Why do you enjoy it? How did you get into it?
  • Your favorite book: Books can transport us to different worlds. Write about your favorite book and what makes it so special.
  • A time when you laugh uncontrollably: Laughter is the best medicine. What was the cause? How did it make you feel? Things to Write About When You’re bored
  • Family members: Write about a family member. What are they like? What is your relationship with them?
  • Your favorite song: What is your favorite song? Why do you like it? What does it make you think of?
  • Your pets: Pets are a part of the family. Write about your pets and what they mean to you.
  • A memory: Write about a memory, good or bad. What does it remind you of? How did it make you feel?

Things to Write About for Blog Posts and Articles

Things to Write About for Blog Posts and Articles
Things to Write About for Blog Posts and Articles

If you’re looking for things to write about for your blog post or article, these topics should give you some ideas.

  • How to _______: This is a great topic for a how-to article. Choose something that you know how to do and write about it. For example, you could write about how to make a perfect cup of tea or how to get over a break-up.
  • Lists: People love lists! Write about things like the top 10 reasons to _______ or the 5 best ways to _______ .
  • Product reviews: Give your readers the scoop on a new product you’ve tried. What did you think? Would you recommend it?
  • How-to guides: Write a how-to guide on something you’re passionate about. For example, you could write a guide on how to start a blog or how to make a website.
  • Personal experiences: Readers love hearing about personal experiences. Write about something that’s happened to you recently.
  • Interviews: Interview someone interesting and share the results with your readers.
  • Product comparisons: If you’re looking to buy a new product, you’ll want to know how it stacks up against the competition. Write a comparison article and help your readers make an informed decision.
  • Popular topics: If you’re stuck for ideas, write about something that’s popular at the moment. For example, you could write about the new iPhone or the presidential election.
  • Take to Quora: Have a look at a few questions that people are asking on Quora and write about them.
  • Check out Reddit: There’s always something interesting happening on Reddit. Have a browse and see if you can find something to write about.
  • Look at the news: What’s making headlines? Write about something that’s in the news at the moment.
  • Ask your readers: If you’re really stuck, why not ask your readers what they want to read about? You could do this through a survey or by asking for comments on your blog.

Writing Prompts About The World

Writing Prompts About The World
Writing Prompts About The World
  • Write about a time when you were surprised by something you saw in nature.
  • How has your view of the world changed since you were a child?
  • Write about a place in the world that you would like to visit.
  • If you could speak to any animal, what would it be?
  • What do you think the world will be like in 100 years?
  • If you could solve any global problem, what would it be?
  • Do you think the world is getting better or worse? Why?
  • How have memes shaped our culture?
  • What things in the world do you think are getting better/worse?
  • How has social media changed the way we interact with each other?
  • How has technology changed the way we live?
  • What things in the world do you think need to change?

These writing prompts should help you get started on your next piece of writing. Whatever you choose to write about, remember to have fun with it and enjoy the process!

Horror Writing Prompts

Horror Writing Prompts
Horror Writing Prompts
  • It’s Halloween, and you’re home alone. Suddenly, you hear a noise coming from downstairs…
  • You’re walking home at night when you see a figure following you in the shadows…
  • You wake up in a dark room, and you can’t move. You hear someone coming closer to you…
  • You’re home alone, and you hear a knock at the door. Who could it be?
  • You’re in a dark forest, and you hear something following you…
  • You’re in a deserted house, and you hear something moving around upstairs…
  • You’re sleeping, and you have a nightmare that someone is trying to kill you…
  • In the middle of a power outage, you hear someone inside your house…
  • While you’re home alone, you hear a noise coming from the attic…
  • While you’re driving home at night, your car breaks down in a dark and deserted area…
  • You’re in a dark alley, and you hear footsteps coming closer to you…
  • You’re walking home from a late movie, and you take a shortcut through the park…
  • You’re home alone, and you get a phone call from an unknown number…
  • While you’re working late at the office, you hear strange noises coming from outside your door…
  • It’s a dark and stormy night, and you’re home alone…
  • You’re in a dark room, and you can’t find the light switch…
  • While you’re home alone, someone tries to break into your house…
  • You’re in a deserted place, and you hear something coming towards you in the darkness…
  • You’re in a dark place, and you can’t see anything. Suddenly, you feel something touch you…
  • You’re alone in a room, and you hear someone breathing in the darkness…

Romance Writing Prompts

Romance Writing Prompts
Romance Writing Prompts
  • You meet someone on a dating app, and you go on a date. things seem to be going well, but then they suddenly disappear…
  • You’ve been dating someone for a while, and things seem to be going great. But then one day, they suddenly break up with you without any explanation…
  • You’re at a bar, and you see someone across the room that you’re attracted to. You go up to talk to them, and things seem to be going well…until they suddenly leave without saying a word…
  • You’ve been talking to someone online for a while, and you finally decide to meet up in person. But when you meet them, they look nothing like their pictures…
  • You’re on a first date, and things seem to be going well. But then the other person suddenly starts talking about their ex…
  • You’re out with friends, and you see someone that you’re attracted to. You go up to talk to them, but they start talking about their significant other…
  • You’re at a party, and you see someone that you’re interested in. You go up to talk to them, but they seem more interested in talking to other people…
  • You’re out on a date, and things seem to be going well. But then the other person suddenly starts acting strange…
  • You’re out with friends, and you see someone that you’re attracted to. You go up to talk to them, but they seem more interested in talking to other people…

Random Things to Write About

Random Things to Write About
Random Things to Write About
  • What would you do with a million dollars?
  • How to be a better friend
  • The best things about autumn
  • Things that make you smile
  • Things you’re grateful for
  • Your favorite things to do on a weekend
  • A time when you overcame a challenge
  • A time when you made someone else’s day
  • A memory that makes you laugh
  • Something you’re looking forward to
  • The best things about your job
  • Things you’re passionate about
  • Your favorite things to eat
  • Your favorite things to do for fun
  • How to make a perfect _______ (fill in the blank with your favorite food)
  • Your favorite things about _______ (fill in the blank with your hometown)
  • Things to do on a rainy day
  • Things to do when you’re feeling down
  • Things to do when you’re feeling happy
  • Things to do when you have a free weekend
  • Things to add to your bucket list
  • Things to do before you graduate

As you can see, there are a lot of things to write about, no matter what your chosen topic is. So get out there and start writing! Who knows, you may just come up with the next great American novel.

How to use Jasper AI to find things to write about

How to use Jasper AI to find things to write about
How to use Jasper AI to find things to write about

If you’re like me, you understand the importance of a good writing tool. Finding the right software can save you hours of tedious work, and help you produce your best writing.

But with so many choices on the market, it can be hard to know where to start. Fortunately, I recently had the chance to try out Jasper, an AI content generator that is changing the game.

With Jasper, you can forget about the tedious task of editing and proofreading your work. The software does it all for you, quickly and accurately. And it doesn’t stop there.

Jasper can also help you with brainstorming, organization, and even coming up with things to write about. Basically, it’s like having your own personal assistant to help with all aspects of your writing.

Let’s see some examples:

Examples of Brilliant Ideas Generated By Jasper AI

Jasper is an artificial intelligence platform that gives you the ability to extract ideas and topics you want to write about with the click of a button.

You can then use these ideas to write your own articles or stories. For example, if you are interested in writing about the weather, you can enter “weather” as your topic and Jasper will provide you with a list of ideas and topics to write about.

This will give you a starting point for your research and writing. In addition to helping you find things to write about, Jasper can also help with the writing process itself., where it can write a full blog post for you.

To do that, We need to get a Boss mode Plan, so we can use the Documents editor to give commands to Jasper Bot.

Jasper ai
Brilliant Ideas Generated By Jasper

The First Example

In the first example, I will tell Jasper to write random topics with the following command “>Give me some topics to write about today “.

Let’s see what can do:

write random topics
write random topics using ai

It is great, isn’t it?

- 5 signs you’re overtraining

Now let’s be more specific and try another example.

The Second Example

In this second example, I will tell Jasper to write about a specific topic with the following command “>Give me some topics to write about Family”, Then I’ll pick a random idea and ask jasper to write an introduction to that idea as well.

Here we go!

write about a specific topic using ai
write about a specific topic using ai

Amazing!, All these ideas and the Intro are completely original content:

- How to make family time more fun and interesting

- The benefits of spending time as a family

- 10 ways to create memories with your family

- How to get along better with your siblings

- Raising kids in today’s society

Making memories with your family is one of the most important things you can do. It’s a way to create lasting bonds and shared experiences that will stay with you for a lifetime. Here are 10 ways to make sure your family memories are as special as possible.

You can use any command you want, even if you want it to compose a song, it will do that for you.

The Last example:

Since you are very interested and read the blog post up to this line, I will tell you a secret: 85% of this blog post was written by Jasper, From the title, introduction, and body text to the conclusion.

This is unbelievable, isn’t it? I’m always looking for things to write about, and Jasper has been a huge help with everything From writing ideas to turning them into a perfect blog post. It’s quick, easy to use, and accurate. I highly recommend it.”

The best part is that you can try Jasper for free. Up to 10,000 words, you can see for yourself how this powerful tool can help you produce your best writing yet.

Is that all? of course not, Jasper AI has over 50+ content creation templates like:

So what are you waiting for, Save Time And Money by Writing Clever, Original Content And End Writer’s Block Forever!”

Read my full Jasper AI review for more information about this great tool.

Now You’ve Got Cool Things To Start writing, Huh?

If you’re ever struggling with ideas, or just want a little help getting started, Jasper is here to give you a hand.

With its huge database of articles and topics, Jasper can provide you with everything from inspiration to step-by-step instructions on how to write great content that engages your audience and drives traffic to your site.

So the next time you find yourself stuck in a writing rut, don’t despair — try Jasper AI instead!

Originally published at https://blogging99.com on June 1, 2022.



Eric Darnell

I love all things blogging, SEO, and affiliate marketing. In fact, I’ve been doing it full-time for over 5 years now.