The Adversaries of me

2 min readJun 19, 2024


Disappointment & Mundanity.

You know what I don’t like?

Unremarkable days.

Yes, unremarkable days.

Bleak days, mundane days.

Days so deeply ordinary, ordinary would be too exciting a word to describe it.

Nothing splendid, nothing remotely exciting or thrilling. Nothing pulsating.

I had a terribly unremarkable day today.

Absolutely nothing positively interesting occurred today and I didn’t like it one bit.

It was in every bit the most basic, mundane, uninteresting day I’ve had in a very long time and I didn’t like it at all.

I’m mad enough to actually write an entire piece about it but I guess I’m a bit achieved because I’ve come to discover yet another thing about myself…

It’s that I love creativity so much that I’ve unconsciously been craving it in my daily life like some sort of spice in the blandness that is the organized predictability of everyday living.

I mean, sad things happened today.

Bad things even.

But they could’ve all been easily pushed down below with just the slightest bit of spice or colour in the shameful bleakness that was today.

Mild bad things wouldn’t matter so much if the mind is periodically distracted by something or someone remotely commoving.

I didn’t even meet anyone exciting today.

Didn’t have an interesting conversation,

Didn’t even see something amusing or thought provoking.

Don’t get me wrong,

It’s not drama I seek.

God, no.

Just something to say that the day was had, you know?

I think it’s all much more annoying because I went to bed last night with certain expectations for what kinda day I was going to have today.

I’d stepped out of the house this morning with a gazillion possibilities for today forming in my head.

And sadly, even when I slowly began to realize just how unfabulous the day was turning out to be, I still held on to some non existent hope that it’d all change in a thrilling snap

And now, as I type all of this out, rather detestfully, I realize this is the only interesting bit about the entire flipping day.

I realize that the two adversaries of me are disappointment and mundanity in my life.

Lifted straight from the poor DMs of my dear friend, Jesimielwilliams

Somehow, I was moved to pour all of this melodrama bit by bit into his message box and he allowed it😅 Love you Jesi!❤️

The lovely The Adetutu actually encouraged the madness & listened to my live rant 💀 love you girl!😘




The logophile writer next door✨ Author of ‘A Chameleon in a pack of skittles’ (If you get the metaphor, I love you already)