Build your own Windows with good Apples

Ernest Choi
3 min readJan 28, 2016

Regardless of whether you’re an Apple fan or not, you would have heard of Steve Jobs, Co-founder of Apple. And if you are an Apple fan, you would know Bill gates too, Co-founder of Microsoft. We all know how successful they both became. Jobs changed the way the world thinks, communicates and interacts; Gates became the richest man on earth and runs the biggest private foundation in the world that aims to expand educational opportunities. All these would probably have ended differently if they had not spent their early years the way they did.

Steve Jobs met Steve Wozniak when he was 14, through a mutual friend. It was that moment when the foundation of Apple was set. In 1979, a time when computers were the size of a room with switches and no monitors, Jobs was shown the first working graphical user interface (GUI) at Xerox PARC, one of their working ideas at Xerox.

Lakeside School, an exclusive preparatory school Bill Gates attended, had a computer, which was very unusual in 1968. He developed his first software program with that computer and also met Paul Allen at Lakeside, who co-founded their first venture “Traf-O-Data” and later “Microsoft”. A few years later, Gates found out the idea of a GUI, like Jobs did.

These two incredible life stories undoubtedly have a few things in common, people they met and the opportunities they took on. Without Wozniak’s technical knowledge, there would be no “iPhones” or “Macbooks”. And despite the outbreak between Gates and Allen, Allen had a crucial role in building Microsoft. At Xerox, Jobs asked for the tour around their office where he saw the first GUI. He then took the idea and improved upon it. Had he not asked for the tour, and kept working on perfecting the interface, Macbooks might not be as popular as they are now. More so, Jobs was the reason Gates found out about a GUI. If it wasn’t for Jobs, the famous “Windows” might never have existed.

The early lives of these 2 technology tycoons might not demonstrate the challenges they went through, but it shows the importance of networking and always be ready for opportunities that are to come. They truly appreciate the environment they were given and made the absolutely most out of them. Both of them worked incredibly hard and fought for everything they had in mind. It is the mentality they had that drove them to success.

If you are about to embark on a career of your own, hoping to reach your goals, it’s not too late to start working hard for them now. Go meet people around you. You could be working in the IT industry as an application support analyst, but it doesn’t mean you won’t be managing your own teams one day. Learn the skills you need with the right people to build up your network. Be ready for any opportunities to come and work harder than anyone else. One day, you will look back and be proud of what you did for yourself.

