Development Blog #1

Eternal Trusts
3 min readJul 26, 2018


The new chapter of the development blog is here! We’d like to give you a quick breakdown on all the important things that have happened in the last week in the area of product development. If you haven’t read our first development blog, check it out here:

We’re making this our regular weekly tradition to update our community on the progress of the development team.

In the previous week, we continued taking important steps that will ensure the deployment of the core features soon to enable first simulations and experiments on the platform. Below is a quick recap of what has been done so far.

The customer-facing product design and navigation

The first product that we are planning to test using our backend technology is a decentralized application that will enable the execution of the Life Extension Purpose, one of the most extraordinary purposes that Oracles and Providers can work on together for the benefit of the Settlors. It represents a product that would be constantly seeking the best biomedical therapies and methods that are clinically tested right now or than can be executed in the future with the clients’ preserved biomaterial.

The first step that we took to create this app is brainstorming and drawing tons of mockups of the UI by hand to pick the best, digitize them and turn them into prototypes. You can see a part of this creative process on this screenshot:

We now have multiple paper prototypes that we are currently using to develop and iterate on in order to create the most convenient and usable dApp for the users. This app will be capable of connecting multiple groups of platform participants, collecting information, and showing the status of the purpose execution flow. Stay tuned, the alpha version is coming up!

Optimization of the gates between Hyperledger & EOS and working on the protocol

There also were large breakthroughs in the backend area. We successfully deployed the environment necessary for syncing between the private blockchain of EOS and the public blockchain of Hyperledger and conducted multilple tests of the syncing procedures. The Hyperledger<->EOS decentralised gates that we are implementing will synchronize both blockchains together to keep the public and private data separate but in sync.

The EOS-Hyperledger Synchronization Scheme of ET

75 developers have joined our hackathon!

As you know, our global blockchain competition was planned before with the NEO and Hyperledger stack but when we decided to switch our to EOS (you can check the reasons behind this decision here), we extended the competition to bring in more EOS developers. Now our Github organization dedicated to the hackathon has grown to 75 developers interested in participating. We actually believe that this initiative can become a start of building a big open source community around the project that will assist our core team in developing the whole platform and integrations. Our development process is fully open and transparent and we truly believe in the power of open source methods of building software.

Improved functionality for our token holders

In order to make the process for our token holders and other platform participants more convenient, we integrated authorization through social networks. Now, you’re able to sign up and log in to Eternal Trusts cabinets with your Facebook and Google accounts. If you haven’t entered the white list yet to purchase ET tokens, you can go to to sign in and send your submission! Only 5 days left until the end of the 2d wave — hurry up!

