Development Blog #2

Eternal Trusts
2 min readAug 2, 2018


New exciting details on the progress of Eternal Trusts always await you in the Development Blog! As usual, we’d like to give you a quick summary on all the important things that have happened in the last week in the area of product development, and highlight some of the short term development plans. Please follow our Medium blog to stay tuned and receive updates regularly.

The syncing gates between EOS and Hyperledger are complete!

After overcoming many challenges, our development team, with the direct participation of Techracers, has completed the integration of the private blockchain of Hyperledger and the public blockchain of EOS. This is an essential part of the Eternal Trusts backend that will enable the mechanism of optimal data storage for the trust settlors and layered level of data access for other participants.

Eternal Trusts as a Protocol

Right now, Eternal Trusts are taking important steps to become the first PROTOCOL of Oracles-based autonomous execution of long-term purposes. We will set up all necessary infrastructure to enable companies, trustees, and experts from different fields to join the ecosystem and create their own dApps, based on a powerful toolkit that we will provide for them and catered to executing important objectives of people for hundreds of years to come.

The open source protocol architecture is currently in the initial stages — there are many interesting architectural challenges that we will need to solve in order to build our project as a protocol, including some alterations to the tokenomics model essential for the whole system to work. We are currently creating the technical paper that will explain in detail how the protocol works from the technical standpoint for all the participants and what use cases it can be applied to. This strategic step is very important for Eternal Trusts, because it widely expands the scope of the project and puts us on the same footing as other multipurpose blockchain-based projects.

The next steps for us is implementing the transport layer security protocol for the client application and finishing the first full design specifications to start building and testing the product user interface. We also plan to start accepting EOS & Monero as currencies to purchase tokens in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

