Here are the most amazing dreams and aspirations that our project can fulfill in the future

Eternal Trusts
7 min readJul 11, 2018


Our community has finished voting and chosen the 10 most popular and interesting dreams that have the potential to be fulfilled in the future. With the power of a hybrid intelligence that will be autonomously searching for providers, Eternal Trusts can make all these objectives come true.

We categorized the dreams into 3 different product lines that will initially exist on our platform: life extension/biomedicine, dynasty support, and charity.

Once again, a big thank you to every person who took the time to send us their dreams: you have all provided us with a great guide in terms of exactly how we should tailor the Purpose Execution Flow of the Eternal Trusts platform.

As promised, all participants who provided us with their own suitable answers about their dreams for the future will be rewarded with 3000 ETT.

We will contact every winner shortly by email, stay tuned!

Below are the winners as decided by our community:

1st place (Purpose Life Extension): 1 000 000 ET tokens

For whatever length of time that sickness has existed, there have been a chosen few individuals who have a characteristic defence from specific diseases. Regardless of whether it be an infection or hereditary condition, common defence has for quite some time been discovered and, generally, keeps on astounding researchers. My fantasy is to be genetically immune. You will inquire me as to why? Let me explain: 1) There are a few people who, in spite of continuous introduction to HIV, still don’t get the infection. As per The Tech, this is because of a change in the CCR5 quality called CCR5-delta 32. I want to be one of them. 2) In spite of the fact that influenza shots are promptly accessible and exceptionally prescribed, a few people never catch the season’s cold virus even without the shot. These individuals who are normally insusceptible to this season’s flu virus simply don’t get wiped out, despite the fact that they are as yet tainted. 3) With hereditary qualities, guardians pass specific qualities down to their youngsters, and getting two latent duplicates of a quality or one overwhelming duplicate outcomes in the attribute being communicated. In any case, there are people who have hereditary changes due to probably the most devastating hereditary illnesses, for example, cystic fibrosis, Smith-Lemli-Opitz disorder, and familial dysautonomia however they experience none of the symptoms. I want to be in that group. As it can be seen that genetically immune individuals can live more and they don’t require being stressed over the diverse maladies they may have created, I need that “Saint DNA” which can shield me from any dangerous afflictions or diseases. Without a doubt, I would prefer not to live for eternity. I would prefer not to be unceasing. Be that as it may, I need to carry on with my existence without need to stress over diseases or infections and so forth.

2d place (Purpose Life Extension): 500 000 ET tokens

DREAM: I want to see the future, but I want to see it in Arthur C. Clarke’s The City and the Stars’ style by being able to choose when I want sleep and when I want to wake up and explore.

3d place (Purpose Life Extension/Dynasty): 200 000 ET tokens

DREAM: I have always wanted be a ruler and a leader to a large community where the community members are all related to me genetically (the idea is to preserve and continue my ancestry for generations to come). With this in mind, back in 2018, I granted my Trust to achieve the following goals. Priority #1: Preserve my brain to be used in the future to be transformed to a cyborg; a fully functional robot with my brain attached to it. Priority #2: Preserve my DNA to be used in the future to make at least three (03) Human clones. If the above goals are successfully achieved I would become a cyborg with an eternal lifespan and will see the proliferation of my descendants across the globe.

4th place (Purpose Biomedicine/Life Extension): 150 000 ET tokens

DREAM: My dream is to be more beautiful, because everyone’s beauty is determined by genes. If it were possible to change this situation through genetic modification, this could become the gospel of the people of the world.

5th place (Purpose Life Extension): 120 000 ET tokens

DREAM: I believe by the year 2065 technology will have advanced enough, specifically through quantum computing, so that humans will be able to download consciousness into the net. Thus, bridging the the space/time dimension, eternal life, presence in multiple places at once, etc… I believe by 2085 we will have mastered nano technologies to the point that we will literally have the ability to create entire universes capable of residing in a petri-dish. I believe within 100 years we will have mastered our world to the point that we as a species have gone beyond merging as machines and have actually transcended to a higher vibrational frequency and have now crossed to a higher dimensional plane of existence. I believe Eternal Trusts developed the technology to store the biomaterial of me and my loved ones into informational storage, not using binary, but rather a newly developed and proprietary data storage using ternary (base 3). I believe through Eternal Trusts, in 100 years time I will be able to create my own holographic universes that will be as real as the universe we live in today.

6th place (Purpose Charity): 100 000 ET tokens

DREAM: I wish we could develop a system of renewable energy and resources for the whole world: rich and poor locations alike, so we can all have a fair go at life. Imagine if Africa became a place where everyone has access to water, electricity and other energy so that it can develop enormously and also end poverty. We could also save our planet by cutting down CO2 emissions and fossil fuel usage, creating a better world for all of us. I think this is my biggest dream.

7th place (Purpose Dynasty): 100 000 ET tokens

DREAM: My biggest goal is to ensure a good life for my daughter and to make sure she is well cared for once i’mnot there anymore. Of course it would be amazing to stay on her side as long as possible and to see my grandchildren growing up. I also dreamed about visiting the moon one time and to look down on earth with a big smile. What brings me to the next point. Our world is working in some points really bad. The entrance to medicine and health could be opened to so much more people but currently it is not. I would like to help other people and would also like to show other people how important it is and for them to realise that it is a gift to be a part of it.

8th place (Purpose Life Extension): 100 000 ET tokens

DREAM: I have always dreamed of knowing the universe and traveling in space. Today, thanks to you, my dream becomes reality. I want my DNA to be preserved to recreate, when scientific progress makes it possible, more and more copies of myself, so that each of them can visit and colonize the most distant and new Worlds that can be reached. With the same procedure I want to keep the genetic materials of family members, so that one day we can share this wonderful adventure. As a second objective, I wish the structure of my mind to be preserved, to be able one day, when science makes it possible, to be transferred, from time to time, in the brain of an animal, like a dolphin or a leopard or an eagle, allowing me to live experiences that my human nature has never allowed me to. As a third wish (it makes me think that you, today and for the future of humanity, are the genie for Aladdin’s Lamp of the Third Millennium): if and when this will be possible, the synaptic structure of my mind should be transferred to a Supercomputer designed to create a “hive mind” with a shared consciousness, with the ultimate goal of understanding how to travel not only in space but also in time. We could witness the birth of the Universe and its death, exploring the possibility of transferring the new humanity to another dimension or to another Universe.

9th place (Purpose Charity): 100 000 ET tokens

DREAM: The goal of my trust is to empower children who were born into poverty and other unfortunate circumstances. The funds of my trust should be allocated as 40% scholarships to college and trade schools. Another 40% would be disbursed for enrichment programs that would allow these children to qualify for higher education and give them experiences that they would not have been able to do such as travel and exposure to subjects outside of the school curriculum like coding. The final 20% would be to pay for administrative salaries and business expenses for the organization. I chose to limit this to 20% so that the salaries do not become exorbitant like other charities. The end result would be a generation of children that became scholars and challenge the world to make it a better place.

10th place (Purpose Charity): 100 000 ET tokens

DREAM: Create a world where everyone in the world receives an equal amount of money so that everyone is wealthy. There would need to be stringent regulation to ensure this — but we would essentially get rid of poverty, as well as capitalism. If everyone in the world was wealthy, imagine the success we would have!

