Life Extension Objective of Eternal Trusts

Eternal Trusts
6 min readJul 20, 2018


As the Eternal Trusts platform begins to take real shape, now is the perfect time for us to take a closer look at some of the purposes that it will be applied to once fully operational. Perhaps the most interesting trusts are those that will be set up with the intention of life extension. Here we’ll take a closer look at exactly how that might work, and why Eternal Trusts sets itself apart from other companies that are already working in this field.

The Purpose Execution Flow of Eternal Trusts is a smart contract-based mechanism that mimics all enforcing and protecting functions of a traditional Trustee while being fully autonomous and decentralized. Besides the usual time-tested purposes that purpose trusts include, such as protecting assets from probate, redistributing money to family members at specific times, or financing charities, some of the trust Settlors have been trying to pursue goals that seem more extraordinary and futuristic. One example of such goals is setting up a trust to fund the procedure of your own revival and post-resuscitation existence in the future, hence extending your life.

As history shows, the rulers of Ancient Egypt were buried with their treasures. The technology clearly wasn’t anywhere as advanced then as it was now, but the sentiment remains the same; the whole notion that death is a temporary condition, and that if humanity can just advance enough with technology, we can bring people back to life to enjoy their former possessions. While this may definitely sound like something that was taken from misguided prophecy in ancient times, or just like a plot from a sci-fi movie today, you may be surprised to learn that it is not really as far fetched as it sounds.

The critical component for this plan of life extension to work lies in the idea of preserving a person’s biomaterials after their death for the long term, in the hope that those biomaterials may be used to bring the person back to life with the much more advanced future medical technology. It is obvious how that would work in case of preserving cells or tissues. Medicine has been capable of freezing embryos and stem cells for a long time, keeping them intact and in a condition to be revived, so by extending this idea, it is easy to imagine a scenario where a trust fund finances the long-term preservation of a person’s DNA and also pays for the future procedures of e.g. cloning to create a genetic replica of the original donor. While this scenario can provide people living today with the opportunity to extend their exact genetic heritage in the future, it cannot prolong the personal existence of the person that possesses that same life experience today. But what if we were also possible to pursue the goal of extending the person’s consciousness? To achieve this, we must work with the human body on a larger scale: preserving the brain or the whole body without damage so that the information in it stays intact with all its memories.

This idea has been the core basis of cryonics, which is a movement of researchers and enthusiasts who preserve brains and bodies after death in cryoprotective conditions. About 400 people are currently cryopreserved and more than 3000 people are waiting for their turn.

Cryonics is currently a small scale experimental initiative which does not receive much mainstream support. However, the idea of preserving the brain structure and its information has been getting more and more attention of academia lately, mainly in neuroscience, in relation to the concept called whole brain emulation. Whole brain emulation is the hypothetical technology of scanning the neural structure of a particular brain and copying it into a computer to run a simulation model of the brain’s information processing, such that it responds in the same way as the brain and experiences from the original conscious mind.

If someone wants to pursue the scenario of “digitizing” their mind when it becomes possible in the far future, it would require the brain structure, or connectome, to be preserved in pristine condition. Luckily, several reliable methods that provide the necessary quality of preservation have already appeared and are being actively tested. A company called 21st Century Medicine recently won 2 awards for the perfect preservation of small and large mammalian brains. Using a combination of chemical fixation with glutaraldehyde and cryogenic storage methods, the researchers have demonstrated a way to preserve, for centuries, the brain’s connectome which is believed to contain our memory and consciousness.

Microscopy studies have examined the quality of the connectome preservation of 21st Century Medicine. According to neuroscientists, the quality of brain preservation obtained via the chemical fixation procedure was equivalent to that used in state-of-the-art connectome research. A brain preserved with this technique is expected to retain most of its molecular-level information. It means that future technology may permit the scanning of a preserved brain in order to create whole brain emulation, thereby uploading that person’s mind into a computer which would control a robotic, virtual, or synthetic body.

If this becomes possible, there is still a difficult question of who will be doing the research that would enable the necessary technologies and why would people of the future be interested in, or willing to resuscitate people from the past? It would appear that there is no guarantee that some charity organization or the direct heirs of the people that preserved their biomaterials will purchase the resuscitation procedure for them. Moreover, it is impossible to predict the cost of that procedure.

Into this cloudy sphere comes Eternal Trusts which now provides an alternative model of trusts designed to safeguard and manage the assets while a person is cryopreserved. One of the aims of Eternal Trusts is to direct more attention from the scientific community towards the goal of radical life extension by aggregating the assets of life extension enthusiasts and setting them up into trust funds. This can build real incentives for institutions and companies to research & develop methods of WBE for the sake of creating the most radical method of life extension.

As a completely decentralized organization with no single center, Eternal Trusts is inherently independent in terms of jurisdiction and can function under any legal system as long as the technology exists and functions in a stable way. With hybrid intelligence, Eternal Trusts provides inner mechanisms of high accountability for every platform participant. The whole system of Oracles works akin to a Trust Protector which guarantees that the purposes are fulfilled optimally for the sake of the beneficiary. Eternal Trusts is able to exist for literally hundreds of years as long as the blockchain is up and running, and also provides a technology-based method of dispute resolution within the platform that does not require the participation of external courts and other governmental structures. And even if life extension research such as WBE never achieves enough progress, the wealth of the trust Settlors is never wasted and can be channeled into other purposes, such as charity.

Eternal Trusts not only opens up an opportunity to prolong life for those enthusiasts who want to pursue radical life extension but are unsure that anti-aging and other medical methods of longevity will achieve fruition during their lifetimes, but it also makes it affordable and easy by adding life insurance policies that could be used to fill up the crypto “trust” of the client with crypto funds.

As hard as it is to fathom for many people out there, life extension technology becomes a big deal. The problem is that this is ultimately a field that has, until now, still not been fully embraced by the medical and scientific professions. Eternal Trusts wants to foster a real change in this attitude by providing scientists and medical professionals with a platform that will fully support their studies in the knowledge that the money is there to pay for their discoveries and developments.

Not only are the Eternal Trusts purposes founded on the same “trust” agreements that have been in place for centuries but the introduction of blockchain means that this level of “trust” has never been higher and guarantees that the providers of such life extension technologies will be rewarded for their work once they are able to provide the necessary solutions for our beneficiaries.

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The whitelist is being filled up very quickly —go to our website now and click the button “Join the whitelist” to submit the form, and follow our instructions to make your transaction. It is your only chance to join us on our mission to disrupt the centuries-old trust management industry!

