Thanks to Dehedge, the token of Eternal Trusts is now hedged against price drops.

Eternal Trusts
3 min readJun 27, 2018


The Eternal Trusts Team are proud to announce an important new partnership with DeHedge; an innovative new company that functions as a risk-hedging platform for crypto tokens.

In light of the extended bear market that has enveloped the crypto sphere for much of 2018, not to mention the raft of scam projects giving ICOs a bad name, it is only natural that cryptoenthusiasts are now approaching new projects with caution. The DeHedge platform comes into this sphere with the hope of restoring some of that lost faith, and the Eternal Trusts platform is very happy to be one of the first projects to qualify as a DeHedge partner.

Mikhail Chernov, founder and CEO of DeHedge, was highly optimistic about the ongoing Eternal Trusts ICO and noted that ET has now become a hedged project that passed the risk assessment conducted by the highly qualified experts of the DeHedge team.

Eternal Trusts token holder who wish to take advantage of the DeHedge partnership will have their ETT protected against losses of up to 50% for a period of 6 months.

How would this work in a real-life scenario? Okay, let’s take a look:

• Imagine that you decide to buy 800,000 of some token during a token sale, at a protected price of 0.00005 ETH, and with a total cost of 200 ETH.

• Two months later, the token is trading live on a major exchange but its price has now dropped to 0.0000275 ETH. As a token holder, you would now be losing 90 ETH.

• However, if you decided to purchase the DeHedge protected token, you could now claim back the 90 ETH loss from DeHedge. Aside from receiving the return of your 90 ETH, you also get to keep all of your tokens.

• All payments are guaranteed by a smart contract through the reservation of funds in the ETH wallet.

Hedged Eternal Trusts Tokens can be bought directly via the DeHedge website, which will automatically qualify them for free 6 month protection.

ET Token bought form the Eternal Trusts site will also be able to take advantage of the free hedge by activating this offer on their personal account page.

The fact that the Eternal Trusts token sale is now in partnership with DeHedge is a huge positive as the team looks to navigate the currently bearish and relatively negative crypto landscape as it stands right now.

Eternal Trusts token holders can rest assured that this is a project that not only our team believe in, but that it is also one that those from the outside envisage as a platform that has huge potential to disrupt the entire Trusts landscape and prosper in the long-term.

Members of the Eternal Trusts community who are interested in taking up the opportunity of having their ET Token protected by DeHedge need to act fast as this is a limited offer and only $1 million worth of ET Token will come with free DeHedge protection.

Join the whitelist to secure your DeHedge protected Eternal Trusts tokens right now:

