Starmap Part I : The Genesis Collection

4 min readMar 5, 2022


It has been a busy time for Ethaliens over the past month. Not only did the Ethalien VOX collection sell out in nine minutes, but the team has recently launched Starmap 3.0! Over this period, we’ve also welcomed thousands of new members to our ranks.

Given this, we felt it was a good time to break down our Starmap in a little more detail and provide some context behind the many moving parts. Ethaliens is not just a PFP project, it is an ecosystem that is always evolving and never stops innovating.

Speaking of innovation, let’s chat about our Genesis collection. While most of the exciting updates in recent weeks have centered around our VOX models and the metaverse, our Genesis collection remains at the core of the ecosystem.

Dual Metadata

Let’s be real, we’re all excited for the art upgrade on the Genesis Ethalien collection, and that introduces a new innovative feature called “dual metadata”! We’ve had a few members ask, why upgrade the art? To which we answer — why not?

Did we need to update the look of our beloved Ethaliens? No. However, we are never ones to just sit and rest on our laurels. An opportunity emerged to give our Genesis collection a modernized makeover and we seized it. The new art is absolute fire and you can head to our Discord to get a closer look in the #👽|sneak・peek・channel.

Likewise, and in the spirit of innovation, the chance to play around with dual metadata and push the boundaries of what exists today is something our devs just couldn’t pass up. The end result? Holders get two beautiful versions of their Genesis Ethaliens.

Judging by the positive reaction received thus far, holders are very excited and have fully embraced the concept. In fact, the team is being lauded for their innovation in this area. When other projects start to introduce dual metadata, holders will be able to point to this moment as the catalyst for mass adoption.

Wen reveal? Since it will be the first piece of Starmap to be delivered, we are aiming to get the new-look Ethaliens into holders’ hands within a week!

Gamified Ecosystem

As we’ve mentioned many times, we are building a gamified ecosystem and the Genesis collection will very much have a role to play. The questions relating to “what this will involve” and how it will integrate into the other gaming aspects of our ecosystem will be announced at a later date as we continue pressing through our development cycle.

Let’s put a TBD on this one and we’ll circle back with additional details when the time is right.

$STAR Token

$STAR Token remains the most pivotal part of the Ethalien ecosystem. There are plenty of updates on route for the beloved $STAR Token, so it seems fitting to have a comprehensive review in its own Medium article. $STAR remains at the core of the ecosystem and will play a critical role in everything that is developed.

With Genesis Ethaliens being the only collection in the Ethalien ecosystem that can earn $STAR on its own, we are positive that our Genesis fans will be anxiously waiting for the release of the $STAR updates. Every Genesis Ethalien earns 5 $STAR per day and will be needed in order for Ethalien VOX to unlock additional $STAR earning boosts.

So let’s speak a little bit on the Ethalien VOX boost opportunities. As you may have read, Ethalien VOX will be able to act as an earner to the beloved $STAR Token with the Starmap 3.0 updates, however… it won’t be able to earn on its own.

Ethalien VOX will be able to activate a $STAR booster when paired with a Genesis Ethalien. This provides not only additional utility to the newly minted Ethalien VOX models, but it also provides an incentive for our VOX holders to snag a Genesis Ethalien while they still can! A fun analogy that we’ve been discussing on a few spaces now is “Imagine your Genesis Ethalien locked in as your commander, and your commander is then assigned a group of Ethalien VOX infantry to harvest extra $STAR from the depths of Earth’s core.” We’ll let your mind imagine the possibilities!

So let’s conclude this article with the importance of that hard-earned $STAR Token. The $STAR Token continues to fuel the entire Ethalien ecosystem and will continue to play a major factor in all Ethalien developments and partnerships. At this point in time, there is no more important utility than the ability to generate $STAR, and that is going to be expanded upon in Starmap 3.0.

