7 Obvious Signs She Likes You (And Not Just Being Nice)

Ethan Eros
6 min readMay 4, 2020
Photo credit: Pressmaster on Shutterstock

Does she like me?

That’s the question every man pursuing a woman wants to know. We’ve all been there before — you meet a nice, beautiful woman, go on a date and after the end of the date, you’re not quite sure whether she’s into you or not. Sometimes it’s difficult to decipher a woman’s behaviours especially if she’s giving you “mixed” signals. Most women won’t outright reject you; they’ll be polite and let you down gently. Learning how to spot the signs women exhibit when they’re into you is important so that you don’t waste precious time and mental energy chasing someone that doesn’t like you.

The signs of interest described in this post will help you gauge a woman’s interest level but it’s important to not only look at one sign in isolation and conclude a woman likes you; look for multiple behaviours that don’t contradict each other.

1. She’s always available to meet you

A woman who likes you will always make herself available for you. She’ll move things around in her schedule just to fit you in. If the answer is yes each time you ask her out for coffee or lunch then it’s obvious she likes you. A woman will not waste her precious time on a guy she’s not interested in.



Ethan Eros

Helping men to be more confident in navigating the modern dating world and build fulfilling relationships. https://twitter.com/EthanEros360