Why All Freelancers Need To Know About Ethearnal

4 min readFeb 6, 2018

Why All Freelancers Need To Know About Ethearnal

There’s a shift happening in the way we work. 9–5 days in the office will soon be a thing of the past.

Freelancers already know this. They’re ahead of the game.

In the USA alone, freelancers make up 36 percent of the workforce. Projections estimate they’ll be the majority within a decade.

The freedom, flexibility, and earning potential of freelancing attracts many. Yet working for yourself isn’t always easy. Freelancers constantly face the same problem again and again.

Freelancers: Working in an uncertain, unfair world

You have two ways to find work as a freelancer.

One, you can get your own clients through marketing efforts, both online and locally. This is often the best route to get paid the rate you deserve.

Unfortunately, even working entirely for yourself doesn’t guarantee security. More than 75% of freelancers report trouble getting paid at some point in their career, according to data from the Freelancers Union.

Two, you can find work on a third-party platform like Get A Coder and Simply Hired. This eliminates a lot of marketing legwork and makes it easier to manage clients.

Sadly, such platforms can create a race to the bottom, one where competitors take your business by offering lower rates. Additionally, these sites tend to take more than their fair share of revenue from your work.

No matter how you go about your business as a freelancer, you’re going to encounter issues. It’s almost certain you’ll get the short end of the stick from time to time.

Sometimes, you just won’t get paid. Worse yet, there’s no recourse to handle a dispute or track down owed money — and you’re left with nothing.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

It’s time for a truly peer-to-peer freelance system

Don Tapscott, author of Blockchain Revolution, attests that the blockchain is the second generation of the Internet. It will transform the way we live and work. And it will revolutionize freelancing.

The arrival of the blockchain presents the chance for freelancers to finally earn their fair share. The days of letting a third-party grab too much or letting a client pay you too little are over.

This is where Ethearnal enters the picture.

A P2P freelance ecosystem, Ethearnal enables employers and freelancers to meet and enter into trustless smart contracts — no matter where they’re located in the world. Money and reputation are kept in escrow. The platform is supported by a system of decentralized moderators. If an issue arises, the moderators have incentive to resolve the dispute in a fair, efficient manner.

With a clear and transparent mechanism for distributing payments, freelancers can focus on what matters: their work. All parties, including moderators, have strong incentives to act responsibly. Value is at stake for all involved — and everyone gains if the desired outcome is achieved.

How does Ethernal actually benefit freelancers?

Harnessing the power of blockchain technology and decentralized moderators, Ethearnal cuts fees to as low as 0–1%. That means more money in your pocket.

Other platforms have been known to charge as much as 10–20% to connect employers to freelancers. On top of that, you often have to wait for funds to be dispersed to your bank. Ethearnal solves these issues by making sure you get paid what you deserve quickly.

Additionally, Ethearnal uses self-executing smart contracts to set responsibilities on both sides. Reputation is tokenized via the ERT token, enabling freelancers to promote their competitive advantage. This aligns economic and reputation initiatives — and ensures only honest employers and freelancers succeed on the platform.

To obtain work, freelancers can create listings showcasing their services or find jobs offered by employers that suit them. Once the two decide to work together, they enter into a smart contract where each side puts an agreed-upon amount of ERT at stake. There are three ways this can go from there:

  1. The job goes well. Both sides are rewarded ERT tokens and their reputation improves.
  2. There is a dispute. The decentralized moderation system steps in to solve the issue objectively.
  3. The two fail to work together successfully. The self-contract automatically closes after a period of time and everything in escrow and at stake is returned.

In short, Ethearnal puts the emphasis on successful completion of work. Even if things go awry, the platform addresses it quickly. The headaches of handling disputes, resolving payment issues, and looking for work are solved with a system that not only streamlines such processes, but also aligns the interests of all parties.

The new way to freelance

The gig economy has been waiting for a better way. The blockchain has given us the opportunity. At Ethearnal, we’re just getting started. Whether you’re an employer, investor, or freelancer, join the revolution — and we can democratize the freelance industry together.

Join the Ethearnal community.




Ethearnal is decentralized autonomous freelancing network with tokenized reputation and real token utility. Learn everything at https://Ethearnal.com