Ether Dungeon: Game Mechanics Overview
3 min readMar 2, 2018


[Public Launch] “Ether Dungeon: Age of Myth” will be released at Mar 9, 15:00 GMT!

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Dungeon Challenge

The basic way to earn ETH in Ether Dungeon is through dungeon challenges. If your hero power is larger than the dungeon difficulty, you can challenge the dungeon by clicking the “Challenge” button, and get a portion (45%) of the Accumulated Dungeon Rewards, while the remaining amount is splitted among 1. Base rewards of next floor (45%), 2. Dungeon Master rewards (8%), 3. Consolation Jackpot (2%).

Hero Upgrade

There are 3 ways to increase hero power, 1. Hero Training, 2. Equipment Forging, 3. Transforming into Superhero:

1) Hero Training

The basic way to increase hero power is to perform Hero Training by clicking the “Train” button, the training fee will be added to the Accumulated Dungeon Rewards. During a training, your hero attributes (all equipments and stats) will be randomly rolled, if the resulting power is higher than the original power, that training is successful. There are multiple ways to estimate the success rate of a training, the in-game Appraisal Helper is the most effective way.

2) Equipment Forging

Equipment Forging is an advanced way of upgrading a specific equipment.

3) Superhero System

Collecting a full set of equipments with the same theme will transform the character into Superhero and have an extra power boost.

Collectible Heroes

Each hero in Ether Dungeon is an individual ERC721 token, just like CryptoKitties. To start an adventure, player will need to recruit their first hero (cost 0.002ETH) in the novice dungeon (Abyss). Later on more heroes can be recruited to form a team.

Collectible Dungeons

Each dungeon in Ether Dungeon is an individual ERC721 token, and the total number of dungeon tokens is hard capped at 1024, which will be created in a planned schedule, or as rewards of certain contests. Each dungeon has its own theme, which determines the available equipments that hero can get in the dungeon.

Dungeon Master

Owning a dungeon / becoming a Dungeon Master, provides you a long term revenue stream for every successful challenges that take place in your dungeon (8% master rewards). There are 2 ways to own a dungeon and become Dungeon Master, 1. Winning an Investiture Events; 2. Buying from the ED Marketplace.

ED Marketplace

A marketplace for players to exchange their heroes and dungeons. The marketplace use a descending clock auction. Sellers choose a high opening bid, a minimum closing bid, and a timeframe for which they’d like their auction to run. Buyers are able to choose their purchase price along that spectrum. Any sales conducted in the ED Marketplace will include a 1.8% commission (no minimum) taken from the seller’s portion.

The Rush Time

When a new dungeon forms, there is a period of time (1 hour) when Challenge is temporarily disabled for that dungeon, called Preparation Period, players can perform Hero Training and Equipment Forging with a special discount (20%) during the period.

The Rush Time: When the preparation period ends, dungeon challenge starts! All players will challenge the dungeon and try to get the accumulated rewards. This state will remain for a certain number of floors (30 floors).

Transportation System

Players can transport from one dungeon to another if they meet the minimum power requirement of the destination, the transportation fee is calculated by the difficulty of the destination dungeon as well as the total power of your heroes, and the fee will be accumulated into the dungeon rewards of the origin dungeon.

Consolation Rewards

2% of all successful challenge rewards will be collected in a global jackpot called the Consolation Rewards. When a player fails a training, the player gains a certain amount of “Faith”, roughly proportional to the training fee. When a player’s faith reached 100, the player gets 50% of the rewards.

Incremental Challenge Cooldown

After a hero challenged a dungeon, it will be temporarily unable to challenge again for a certain period of time. Initially the period is several minutes, but will increase when the hero perform more challenges, until it reached the maximum cooldown period (100 minutes) after 20 challenges.



Ether Dungeon: Age of Myth is a strategy blockchain game which players train epic heroes, and explore depth of dungeons in the artificial world Pangaea Ultima.